上海斯米克QJ102银钎焊熔剂上海斯米克焊丝S 214铜合金焊丝
西安骏焊专业代理上海斯米克焊条焊丝 电厂专用镍基焊条镍基焊丝 不锈钢焊条焊丝 耐热钢焊条焊丝 耐候钢焊条焊丝 低温钢焊条焊丝 低合金焊条焊丝 铸铁焊条焊丝 耐磨堆焊药芯焊丝 埋弧焊丝 明弧焊丝等特种焊接材料进口焊条进口焊丝
镍基焊条镍基焊丝 镍铬钼合金焊条焊丝 镍铬焊条焊丝 镍铬铁焊条焊丝 镍铁铬焊条焊丝 耐高温合金焊条焊丝 镍铜蒙乃尔焊条焊丝 纯镍焊条焊丝 GH高合金焊条焊丝 骏焊铸铁焊条焊丝等特种焊接材料进口焊条进口焊丝
西安骏焊专业耐磨堆焊焊丝 二氧化碳气体保护药芯合金钢焊丝 电厂磨煤辊堆焊焊丝 立磨磨盘耐磨埋弧焊丝 明弧焊丝 水泥厂专用耐磨药芯焊丝 机械厂专用硬面堆焊焊丝 辊压机专业耐磨堆焊焊丝 盾构机刀盘专用耐磨合金焊丝 矿山专用耐磨堆焊药芯焊丝 铸铁焊条 镍基焊条 耐热钢焊条焊丝 不锈钢焊条焊丝 低合金焊条焊丝 高强钢焊条焊丝 银焊条 铜焊条 铝焊条等特种焊接材料进口焊条进口焊丝
规格 Φ1.2mm、Φ1.6mm、Φ2.0mm、Φ2.4mm、Φ2.8mm、Φ3.2mm
包装 盘15KG/盘;卷装50kg/卷;桶装250kg/桶
焊接指示 不用加惰性气体;交直流两用;电弧要尽可能短
上海斯米克焊条焊丝 【上海斯米克电焊条】简介
Category |
Trade- |
Equivalent to China Standard |
Characteristics & application |
Equivalent to AWS |
Hard-surfacing 硬 面 堆 焊 |
D 667 |
EDZCr-B-15 |
HRc≥48. Resistance to wear, gas corrosion and oxidation. Hardfacing of blast furnace hopper and cracker part. |
D 802 |
EDCoCr-A-03 |
HRc38-47. Resistance to heat, wear and corrosion. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as the edge of thermo-cutter. |
ECoCr-A |
D 812 |
EDCoCr-B-03 |
HRc45-50. Resistance to heat, wear and corrosion. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as internal-combustion engine valve. |
ECoCr-B |
D 822 |
HRc≥53. Resistance to Wear and heat, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of rotating blade wheel of boiler. |
D 832 |
EDCoCr-C-03 |
HRc≥50. Wear and heat resistance. Hardfacing of high temperature part such as hot-rolling guided way. |
ECoCr-C |
D 842 |
EDCoCr-D-03 |
HRc28-38. Corrosion and thermo-fatigue resistance, work harding. Hardfacing of hot forging die. |
Cast iron 铸 铁 |
Z 308 |
EZNi |
Pure nickel, excellent general properties. Used to weld thin cast iron part and repair welding machined surface, such as guided way of machine tool. |
ENi-Cl |
Z 408 |
EZNiFe |
Iron nickel, high strength and excellent ductility. Repair welding of important gray cast iron and nodular cast iron, such as cylinder cap. |
ENiFe-Cl |
Z 508 |
EZNiCu-1 |
Copper nickel, good machinability and bad crack resistance. Repair welding of sand hole and gray cast iron machined surface subject to no load. |
ENiCu-B |
Copper alloys 铜 合 金 |
Cu 107 |
ECu |
Red copper, atmosphere and sea water corrosion and excellent electric conductivity. Welding of red copper such as electrical copper row. |
ECu |
Cu 207 |
ECuSi |
Silicon bronze, corrosion resistance and high strength. Welding of copper, silicon bronze and brass. |
ECuSi |
Cu 227 |
ECuSnB |
Tin phosphor bronze, corrosion resistance and high strength. Welding of copper, silicon bronze and brass. |
ECuSn-C |
Cu 237 |
ECuAl |
Aluminum bronze, wear and corrosion and high strength. Welding or surfacing of copper alloys. |
ECuAl-A2 |
Aluminum alloys 铝 合 金 |
Al 109 |
TAl |
Pure aluminum, excellent corrosion resistance and middle strength. Welding of pure aluminum. |
E1100 |
Al 209 |
TAlSi |
Silicon aluminum, good crack resistance and wide range of usage. Welding of aluminum alloys other than aluminum magnesium alloys. |
E4043 |
Al 309 |
TAMn |
Manganese aluminum, corrosion resistance and high strength. Welding of aluminum alloys. |
E3003 |
Nickel alloys 镍合金 |
Ni 102 |
ENi-1 |
Pure nickel. Welding and surfacing of nickel and nickel to steel. |
ENi-1 |
Ni 207 |
ENiCu-7 |
Copper nickel. Welding and surfacing of copper nickel and copper nickel to steel. |
ENiCu-7 |
Category 类 别 |
Trade 牌 号 |
Chemical comPOSTTTION 主要成份(%) |
Characteristics & application 特性和用途 |
Equivalent to AWS 相当AWS |
Hardfacing 硬 面 堆 焊 |
S 101 |
C3 Cr28 Ni4 |
HRc48-54. Resistance to wear, gas corrosion and oxidation. Hardfacing of bucket tooth and case pump. |
S 111 |
C1 Cr29 W5 |
HRc38-47. Resistance to wear and corrosion at high-temperature. Hardfacing of high temperature and pressure valve. |
ECoCr-A |
S 112 |
C1.5 Cr29 W8 |
HRc45-50. Resistance to wear and corrosion at high-temperature. Hardfacing of valve and hot-rolling pass. |
ECoCr-B |
S 113 |
C2.5 Cr30 W17 |
HRc≥55. Wear and heat resistance at high temperature, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of screw charging carriage. |
S 114 |
C2.5 Cr30 W12 |
HRc≥53. Wear and heat resistance at high temperature, bad shock resistance. Hardfacing of three-cone bit. |
ECoCr-C |
Copper alloys
金 |
S 201 |
Sn1 Si0.3Mn0.3 |
Good mechanical properties and crack resistance. Gas welding and argon arc welding of red copper. |
ERCu |
S 211 |
Si3 Mn1 |
Good mechanical properties. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and MIG brazing of steel. |
ERCuSi-Al |
S 212 |
Sn5 Cu Rem. |
Wear resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. |
ERCuSn-A |
S 213 |
Sn8 Cu Rem. |
Wear resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. |
ERCuSn-C |
S 214 |
Al7.5 Cu Rem. |
Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. |
ERCuAl-A1 |
S 215 |
Al9 Cu Rem. |
Wear and corrosion resistance. Argon arc welding of copper alloys and surfacing of steel. |
ERCuAl-A2 |
S 221 |
Cu60 Sn1 Si0.3 |
Melting point is about 890℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
S 221F |
Cu60 Sn1 Si 0.3 |
S221 welding rod coated with flux. |
S 222 |
Cu58Sn0.9Si0.1 |
Melting point is about 880℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
RBCuZn-C |
S 222F |
Cu58Sn0.9Si0.1 |
S222 welding rod coated with flux. |
RBCuZn-C |
S 223 |
Cu59 Sn0.6 |
Melting point is about 900℃. Braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
RBCuZn-A |
S 224 |
Cu62 Si0.5 |
Melting point is about 905℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
Copper 铜 合 金 |
S 225 |
Cu48 Ni10 |
Melting point is about 935℃ and high strength. Braze welding of steel, nickel and carbide alloys. |
RBCuZn-D |
S 225F |
Cu48 Ni10 |
S225 welding rod coated with flux. |
RBCuZn-D |
S 226 |
Cu60 Sn0.3 |
Melting point is about 900℃. Gas welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
S 227 |
Cu58Sn0.9Ni0.5 |
Melting point is about 880℃. Gas welding and carbon arc welding of brass, also braze welding of copper, steel and cast iron. |
RBCuZn-B |
S 229 |
Cu55 Ni6 Mn4 |
Melting point is about 920℃, high strength. Braze welding of steel, nickel and hard carbide. |
Aluminum alloys 铝 合 金 |
S 301 |
Al≥99.5 |
Good ductility and corrosion resistance. Gas welding and argon arc welding of pure aluminum. |
ER1100 |
S 311 |
Si5 Al Rem. |
Corrosion resistance, wide range of usage. Gas welding and argon arc welding of aluminum alloys other than high magnesium alloys. |
ER4043 |
S 321 |
Mn1.3 Al Rem. |
Good corrosion resistance, weldability and ductility. Gas welding and argon arc welding of aluminum alloys. |
S 331 |
Mg5 Mn0.4 |
Corrosion resistance and high strength. Argon arc welding of aluminum alloys. |
ER5183 |
斯米克钎焊料分别有:(铜锌钎焊料) ,(铜磷银基钎焊料),(铝基钎焊料),(锡铅钎焊料),(镍基钎焊料).简介如下:
Category |
Trade-mark |
Specification |
Melting |
Chemical |
Application |
Equivalent |
Copper 铜锌 |
L103 |
Wire & rod |
885-888 |
Cu54 Zn Rem. |
Brazing of copper, bronze and steel, subjected to low load. |
L104 |
Foil |
890-930 |
Cu57 Mn2 |
Brazing of carbide cutting tool. |
铜磷 |
L201 |
Cast rod, wire & rod, powder |
710-800 |
P7 Cu Rem. |
Brazing of copper and copper alloys. |
BCuP-2 |
L204 |
Cast rod, wire |
640-815 |
P5 Ag15 |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, silver and molybdenum etc. |
BCuP-5 |
L205 |
Cast rod, wire & rod, powder |
640-800 |
P6 Ag5 |
Brazing of copper and copper alloys. |
BCuP-3 |
L207 |
Cast rod, wire & rod |
640-770 |
P7 Ag5 |
Brazing of copper and copper alloys. |
BCuP-7 |
L209 |
Cast rod, wire |
684-710 |
P7 Ag2 |
Brazing of copper and copper alloys. |
BCuP-6 |
Silver 银基 |
L302 |
Wire & rod |
745-775 |
Ag25 Cu40 |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
L303 |
Wire & rod |
660-725 |
Ag45 Cu30 |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
BAg-5 |
L303F |
Flux coated rod |
660-725 |
Ag45 Cu30 |
L303 coated with flux, the same application as L303. |
BAg-5 |
L304 |
Foil |
690-775 |
Ag50 Cu34 |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys and steel etc. |
BAg-6 |
L308 |
Wire & rod |
779-780 |
Ag72 Cu Rem. |
Brazing of copper and nickel under vacuum or reducing protective atmosphere. |
BAg-8 |
L312 |
Wire & rod |
595-605 |
Ag40.Cu.Zn.Cd |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
L313 |
Wire & rod |
625-635 |
Ag50.Cu.Zn.Cd |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
BAg-1a |
L321 |
Wire & rod 丝 |
615-650 |
Ag56.Cu.Zn.Sn |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
BAg-7 |
L323 |
Wire & rod |
665-755 |
Ag30.Cu.Zn.Sn |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
L325 |
Wire & rod |
645-685 |
Ag45.Cu.Zn.Sn |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
BAg-36 |
L326 |
Wire & rod |
650-720 |
Ag38.Cu.Zn.Sn |
Brazing of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel etc. |
BAg-34 |
Aluminum base 铝基 |
L400 |
Cast rod, wire & rod |
577-582 |
Si11.5 |
Brazing of aluminum and aluminum alloys. |
BAlSi-4 |
L401 |
Cast rod |
525-535 |
Si5 Cu28 |
Brazing of aluminum and aluminum alloys. |
Tin lead 锡铅 |
L600 |
Wire & rod |
183-185 |
Sn60 Sb≤0.8 |
Soldering of fusible metals and heat-treated part. |
60Sn |
L601 |
Wire & rod |
183-227 |
Sn18 Sb2 |
Soldering of copper, copper alloys and galvanized iron plain sheet. |
18Sn |
L602 |
Wire & rod |
183-256 |
Sn30 Sb2 |
Soldering of copper, brass, copper alloys and galvanized iron plain sheet. |
30Sn |
L603 |
Wire & rod |
183-235 |
Sn40 Sb2 |
Soldering of copper, copper alloys, steel and zinc parts. |
40Sn |
L604 |
Wire & rod |
183-222 |
Sn90 Sb≤0.15 |
Soldering of copper and steel for food and medicine field. |
90Sn |
L605 |
Wire & rod |
232-240 |
Ag5 Sn95 |
Soldering of copper and steel for electrical and food field. |
L608 |
Wire & rod |
295-305 |
Sn5.5 Ag2.5 |
Soldering of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel. |
Nickel base 镍基 |
L702 |
Powder |
970-1000 |
Cr7 B3 Si4 |
Brazing of stainless steel under vacuum or protective atmosphere. |
BNi-2 |
Category |
Trade-mark |
Product name |
Characteristics & application |
Gas 气焊 |
CJ301 |
Copper gas welding flux |
Melting point is about 650℃, flux for gas welding and brazing of copper and copper alloys. |
CJ401 |
Aluminum gas welding flux |
Melting point is about 560℃, flux for gas welding of aluminum and aluminum alloys. |
Silver 银钎焊 |
QJ101 |
Silver brazing flux |
Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 550-750℃. |
QJ102 |
Silver brazing flux |
Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 600-850℃. |
QJ102A |
Silver brazing flux |
Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 600-850℃. Non agglomeration. |
QJ112 |
Silver brazing paste flux 膏状银钎焊熔剂 |
Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 600-850℃. |
QJ103 |
Silver brazing flux |
Brazing flux of copper, copper alloys, steel and stainless steel within 550-750℃. |
Aluminum brazing 铝钎焊 |
QJ201 |
Aluminum brazing flux |
Brazing flux of aluminum and aluminum alloys within 450-620℃. |
QJ207 |
Aluminum brazing flux |
Brazing flux of aluminum and aluminum alloys within 560-620℃. |
Category |
Trade- |
Chemical |
Hardness |
Application |
Oxy- 氧 乙 炔 焰 喷 焊 |
F103 |
Cr10 B1.5 Si3 Ni Rem. |
HRc 25 |
Spray-fusing of cast iron parts,, such as die for glass, cylinder, and guide. |
F101 |
Cr10 B2.5 Si3 Ni Rem. |
HRc 45 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to wear and corrosion, such as valve, the rotator and piston of pump. |
F101Fe |
Cr10 B2.5 Si3 Fe10 Ni Rem. |
HRc 45 |
Spray-fusing of corrosion-resistant parts, such as axle and stigma. |
F102 |
Cr16 B4 Si4 Ni Rem. |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to wear, corrosion and high temperature oxidation, such as die and piston. |
F102Fe |
Cr16 B4 Si4 Fe15 Ni Rem. |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of corrosion-resistant parts, such as axle and cold die. |
F105 |
F102+50%WC |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to grain-wear , such as guide plate, scraper and blade of fan. |
F105Fe |
F102Fe+35%WC |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to grain-wear, such as guide plate, scraper and blade of fan. |
F108 |
F102+80%WC |
HRc 60 |
Spray-fusing of parts resistance to strong grain-wear and free machining, such as harrow teeth of dredger. |
F301 |
Cr5 B4 Si4 Ni30 Fe Rem. |
HRc 45 |
Spray-fusing of vulnerable parts of agricultural machinery and mining machinery, such as gear and axletree. |
Track iron powder 轨铁粉 |
Cr5 B1.5 Si3 Ni30 Fe Rem. |
HRc 28 |
Repair spray-fusing of defects such as scratch and concavity of railroad track. |
Oxy-acetylene flame spraying 氧 乙 炔 焰 喷 涂 |
F111 |
Cr5 B1.5 Si3 Ni30 Fe Rem. |
HB 150 |
Spraying of bearing and cutting parts etc. |
F113 |
Cr10 B1.5 Si3 Ni Rem. |
HB 250 |
Spray-fusing or spraying, such as roll, piston and axle of wear and corrosion resistance. |
F313 |
Cr15 B1.5 Fe Rem. |
HB 250 |
Spraying of dryer of papermaking and axle. |
F314 |
Cr18 Ni9 B1.5 Fe Rem. |
HB 250 |
Spraying of axle. |
F412 |
Sn10 P0.3 Cu Rem. |
HB 80 |
Spraying of axle and bearing. |
F512 |
复合Al5Ni95 |
Backing spray of transition layer between base and working layer. |
PTA hardfacing 等 离 子 弧 喷 焊 |
F221 |
Cr26 W5 B0.7 Co Rem. |
HRc 43 |
PTA hardfacing of sealing surface of high temperature and high pressure valve and the edge of hot shearing tool. |
F223 |
Cr21 W5 B1.5 Co Rem. |
HRc 40 |
PTA hardfacing of parts resistance to wear and corrosion at high temperature, such as valve under high temperature and high pressure, and blower. |
F321 |
Cr13 B1.5 Si1 Fe Rem. |
HRc 45 |
PTA hardfacing of corrosion-resistant parts under mid-temperature and mid-pressure, such as stop-plate etc. |
F322 |
Cr23 Ni13 Si5 B1 Fe Rem. |
HRc 40 |
PTA hardfacing of corrosion-resistant parts under mid-temperature and mid-pressure, such as valve base etc. |
F422 |
Sn10 P0.3 Cu Rem. |
HB 80 |
PTA hardfacing of axle and bearing etc. |
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