1800KW康明斯柴油发电机QSK60-G4发动机四配套 配件经销
康明斯QSX15涡轮增压器4047153涡轮增压器3803015 QSK60增压器工具包4032182_QSK60涡轮增压器2882097 ISM11涡轮增压器5352019X QSK60增压器3803015库存到货重庆康明斯QSK19-G11 600KW电脑版4921411缸体4089799
康明斯QSK19活塞环2881745唐山康明斯(电控模块)QSK19电脑版4921411发动机模块ECU经销 康明斯QSK19电脑版 QSK23发动机电脑版4921411(电控模块)刷程序美国康明斯
康明斯QSK23发动机燃油执行器3347907共轨执行器3347905 特雷克斯TR60 QSK60执行器3347907 3330600配件经销商 3330600执行器3330601传感器3330603康明斯QSK60执行器到货-买康明斯配件找钱晓敏
康明斯QSK19 QSK23 QSK38 QSK45 QSK50 QSK60 QSK78 QSK98执行器 传感器3408414=3408577 3348440=3347905 3348442=3347907 3408380=3408583 3408382=3408585 3865337=3408587
康明斯4307244BH30燃油泵 美国康明斯QSK60矿用燃油泵供应商3330600执行器3347907传感器3347907康明斯QSK60执行器4376119水泵K38 KTA38美国康明斯水泵维修组件 特雷克斯TR100 TR100A TR50 TR60水泵供应4376080水泵QSK 60利勃海尔T 264矿用卡车康明斯QSK60维修配件供应 康明斯QSK60低温水泵 康明斯维修配件经销
2000KW康明斯柴油发电机QSK60-G8水泵4376151 水泵供应美国康明斯QSK60 水泵 4376080/3651956 4955807和4376151仓库到货
美国康明斯QSK60 Q60 QSK45 QSK50水泵4955807水泵4376151(康明斯) 锡林浩特大唐矿业供应QSK60 增压器 2882097/3767952QSK60 增压器 5321612/4309430 QSK60(大) 水泵 4376121 QSK60喷油器 4326780/4088427 QSX15喷油器4928260 4062568 4062569 4924613减压阀QSK60 K38机油冷 却 器芯3635074
K38 KTA38凸轮轴3066888 3066889 喷油器:2867147,2867148,2881088,4955524,4955525,4955526,4955527
Currently there is an upper gasket set for the QSK45, Part Number 4024980, and an upper gasket set for the QSK60, Part Number 4025140 . These are large sets with many different o-rings, seals, and hoses. The new gasket sets are divided into specific functions on the engine. The smaller sets can be purchased for smaller repairs. A combination of the smaller sets is the same as the original upper gasket set.
All QSK45 and QSK60 power generation and industrial engines will be affected by this change.
QSK60 Old Upper Gasket Set, Part Number 4025140 | ||
Part Number | Quantity | Description |
70415 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
145528 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
206808 | 8 | Seal, Water Connection |
216187 | 8 | Seal, O-ring |
3028291 | 34 | Seal, O-ring |
3035026 | 8 | Seal, O-ring |
3064886 | 4 | Hose, Plain |
3082315 | 16 | Gasket, Exhaust |
3082357 | 4 | Seal, Grommet |
3082358 | 4 | Seal, O-ring |
3089019 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
3089247 | 6 | Gasket, Connection |
3089318 | 1 | Gasket, Flange |
3089319 | 1 | Gasket, Flange |
3089501 | 8 | Seal, Rectangular |
3089955 | 8 | Gasket, Connection |
3171170 | 6 | Gasket, Connection |
3171287 | 8 | Gasket, Connection |
3171306 | 8 | Gasket, Exhaust Outlet |
3171368 | 8 | Gasket, Turbocharger |
3171421 | 32 | Lockplate |
3171499 | 16 | Gasket, Rocker Lever |
3171695 | 2 | Gasket, Connection |
3202117 | 8 | Gasket, Connection |
3331834 | 32 | Seal, Rectangular |
3332000 | 1 | Gasket, Thermostat |
3332081 | 1 | Gasket, Water Transfer |
3332104 | 2 | Connection, Fuel |
3332143 | 1 | Gasket, Connection |
3332157 | 1 | Gasket, Thermostat |
3332181 | 16 | Gasket, Fuel Manifold |
3332291 | 16 | Gasket, Rocker Lever |
3347937 | 16 | Seal, O-ring |
3347939 | 16 | Seal, O-ring |
3410688 | 1 | Gasket, Thermostat |
3627695 | 6 | Seal, O-ring |
3627961 | 6 | Seal, Thermostat |
3630125 | 4 | Hose, Plain |
3630740 | 5 | Seal, O-ring |
3678786 | 3 | Seal, O-ring |
3678925 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
3679139 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
3867651 | 16 | Seal, O-ring |
3867687 | 16 | Seal, Injector |
3922794 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
4000713 | 4 | Gasket, Aftercooler |
4000716 | 4 | Gasket, Connection |
4001044 | 4 | Hose, Hump |
4010577 | 16 | Seal, O-ring |
4017166 | 4 | Connection, Water |
4065349 | 4 | Gasket, Exhaust Outlet |
4066038 | 4 | Gasket, Intake |
4066112 | 34 | Seal, O-ring |
4080544 | 2 | Hose, Plain |
4086225 | 16 | Gasket, Cylinder Head |
To obtain a complete upper gasket set, the following must be ordered:
QSK60 Upper Gasket Sets | ||
Part Number | Description | Quantity |
4089200 | Quadrant Head Gasket Set | 4 |
4089201 | Quadrant Aftercooler Gasket Set | 4 |
4089202 | Cooling System Gasket Set | 1 |
4089203 | Turbocharger and Intercooler Gasket Set | 1 |
Quadrant Head Gasket Set, Part Number 4089200 | ||
Part Number | Quantity | Description |
3082315 | 4 | Gasket, Exhaust Manifold |
3171421 | 8 | Lockplate |
3171499 | 4 | Gasket, Rocker Lever |
3332291 | 4 | Gasket, Rocker Lever Cover |
4066243 | 4 | Gasket, Cylinder |
3867687 | 4 | Seal, Injector |
3347937 | 4 | Seal, O-ring |
3347939 | 4 | Seal, O-ring |
3867651 | 4 | Seal, O-ring |
3332181 | 4 | Gasket, Fuel Connection |
4010577 | 4 | Seal, O-ring |
Quadrant Aftercooler Gasket Set, Part Number 4089201 | ||
Part Number | Quantity | Description |
206808 | 2 | Seal, Grommet |
3035026 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
3082357 | 1 | Seal, Grommet |
3082358 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
3171170 | 2 | Gasket, Connection |
3171287 | 2 | Gasket, Connection |
3254315 | 3 | Clamp, Hose |
3331834 | 8 | Seal, Rectangular Ring |
3678912 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
3678925 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
3922794 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
4000713 | 1 | Gasket, Aftercooler Cover |
4001044 | 1 | Hose, Hump |
4066038 | 1 | Gasket, Intake Manifold |
4017166 | 1 | T-piece |
Cooling System Gasket Set, Part Number 4089202 | ||
Part Number | Quantity | Description |
3081695 | 34 | Seal, O-ring |
4080549 | 4 | Hose, Plain |
4080544 | 2 | Hose, Plain |
3089019 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
4101150 | 7 | Gasket, Connection |
3089318 | 1 | Gasket, Flange |
3089319 | 1 | Gasket, Flange |
3647994 | 34 | Seal, O-ring |
4101149 | 1 | Gasket, Water Transfer |
3332143 | 1 | Gasket, Connection |
3332157 | 1 | Gasket, Thermostat Housing |
3649412 | 1 | Gasket, Thermostat Housing |
4015668 | 1 | Gasket, Thermostat Housing |
3627961 | 6 | Seal, Thermostat |
3678606 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
Turbocharger and Intercooler Gasket Set, Part Number 4089203 | ||
Part Number | Quantity | Description |
216187 | 8 | Seal, O-ring |
3089240 | 6 | Seal, O-ring |
3089955 | 8 | Gasket, Connection |
3171306 | 8 | Gasket, Exhaust Out Connection |
4065615 | 4 | Gasket, Turbocharger |
3171790 | 2 | Hose, Plain |
3627695 | 6 | Seal, O-ring |
3630125 | 4 | Hose, Plain |
3630740 | 5 | Seal, O-ring |
3678786 | 3 | Seal, O-ring |
4000715 | 2 | Gasket, Intercooler Cover |
4000716 | 4 | Gasket, Connection |
3089501 | 8 | Seal, Rectangular |
4065349 | 4 | Gasket, Exhaust Outlet |
3171695 | 2 | Gasket, Connection |
Old QSK45 Upper Gasket Set, Part Number 4024980 | ||
Part Number | Quantity | Description |
70415 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
145528 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
193734 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
206808 | 13 | Seal, Water Connection |
216187 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
3028291 | 26 | Seal, O-ring |
3035026 | 8 | Seal, O-ring |
3082315 | 12 | Gasket, Exhaust |
3082357 | 4 | Seal, Grommet |
3082358 | 4 | Seal, O-ring |
3089019 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
3089236 | 1 | Gasket, Thermostat |
3089240 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
3089247 | 5 | Gasket, Connection |
3089318 | 1 | Gasket, Flange |
3089319 | 1 | Gasket, Flange |
3089392 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
3089501 | 8 | Seal, Rectangular |
3089955 | 2 | Gasket, Connection |
3171287 | 6 | Gasket, Connection |
3171695 | 2 | Gasket, Connection |
3331834 | 24 | Seal, Rectangular |
3332000 | 1 | Gasket, Thermostat |
3332081 | 1 | Gasket, Water Transfer |
3332181 | 1 | Gasket, Fuel Manifold |
3332291 | 12 | Gasket, Rocker Lever |
3627695 | 4 | Seal, O-ring |
3627961 | 6 | Seal, Thermostat |
3630740 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
3678606 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
3678786 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
3678912 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
3678925 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
3679139 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
3922794 | 4 | Seal, O-ring |
4000714 | 4 | Gasket, Aftercooler |
4066037 | 4 | Gasket, Intake Manifold |
4066112 | 18 | Seal, O-ring |
4080532 | 12 | Gasket, Cylinder Head |
To obtain a complete QSK45 upper gasket set, the following must be ordered:
QSK45 Upper Gasket Sets | ||
Part Number | Description | Quantity |
4089231 | Quadrant Head Gasket Set | 4 |
4089232 | Quadrant Aftercooler Gasket Set | 4 |
4089202 | Cooling System Gasket Set | 1 (contents listed above) |
4089233 | Turbocharger and Intercooler Gasket Set | 1 |
Quadrant Head Gasket Set, Part Number 4089231 | ||
Part Number | Quantity | Description |
3082315 | 3 | Gasket, Exhaust Manifold |
3171421 | 6 | Lockplate |
3171499 | 3 | Gasket, Rocker Lever |
3332291 | 3 | Gasket, Rocker Lever Cover |
4066243 | 3 | Gasket, Cylinder |
3867687 | 3 | Seal, Injector |
3347937 | 3 | Seal, O-ring |
3347939 | 3 | Seal, O-ring |
3867651 | 3 | Seal, O-ring |
3332181 | 3 | Gasket, Fuel Connection |
4010577 | 3 | Seal, O-ring |
3637870 | 3 | Gasket, Fuel Manifold |
Quadrant Aftercooler Gasket Set, Part Number 4089232 | ||
Part Number | Quantity | Description |
206808 | 2 | Seal, Grommet |
3035026 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
3082357 | 1 | Seal, Grommet |
3082358 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
3171287 | 2 | Gasket, Connection |
3254315 | 2 | Clamp, Hose |
3331834 | 6 | Seal, Rectangular Ring |
3678912 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
3678925 | 1 | Seal, O-ring |
3922794 | 2 | Seal, O-ring |
4000714 | 1 | Gasket, Aftercooler Cover |
4001044 | 1 | Hose, Hump |
4066037 | 1 | Gasket, Intake Manifold |
4017166 | 1 | T-piece |
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