![Deschner Kinechek白马缓冲器](http://img.jdzj.com/UserDocument/mallpic/szsxhzdhsb/Picture/200512151354186.jpg)
Deschner品牌介绍:自1960 年以来,美国戴氏公司(Deschner Corporation)作为Cusioneer 缓冲器和Kinechek 调速器,一直是运动控制产品设计和生产领域的创新中坚。Cushioneer 和Kinechek 产品可调节、防泄漏、使用寿命达数百万转且无需维护。除此之外,美国戴氏公司还提供专业产品,其设计能保证高效的啄钻和跳钻功能。请为您的设备装配戴氏精密产品。请让戴氏的技术代表为您提供协助,帮您选择切合您应用需要的戴氏产品。
Deschner公司是防漏型可调减震器和转速调节器的鼻祖。该公司成立于1960年在加利福尼亚州的洛杉矶,由R. E. Deschner先生。 Deschner先生开始其职业生涯,作为一个与明尼苏达大学的机械工程专业学士学位的毕业生。他迅速升至几家知名制造公司的产品种类繁多的工程经理。这个背景下给予先生Deschner的工作经历,他发明了高品质的,适销对路的产品,激发了他的工作激情。在当时工业减震器行业,都必须用于特定的应用程序和转速的尺寸的调节,笨重、渗漏和不稳定渗漏的设备。Deschner公司主要制造的产品有美国Deschner卓越的减震器、美国Deschner Kinechek稳速器、美国Deschner Kinechek特殊稳速器、美国Deschner SuperK系列与MiniK系列稳速器、美国Deschner Dumore系列适配器、美国Deschner配件、美国Deschner安装选项系列。
Deschner Kinechek白马缓冲器
DESCHNER CORPORATION is the originator of the adjustable leak-proof shock absorber and speed regulator.
The company was founded in Los Angeles, California in 1960 by Mr. R. E. Deschner. Mr. Deschner began his career as a graduate of the University of Minnesota with a bachelor of mechanical engineering degree. He quickly rose to manager of engineering at several well-known manufacturing companies making a wide variety of products. This background gave Mr. Deschner the experience to fulfill his passion for inventing high quality, marketable products. At the time industrial shock absorbers were leaky devices that had to be sized for a particular application and speed regulators were bulky, leaky and erratic. Mr. Deschner patented a unique seal design that made his shock absorbers and speed regulators absolutely leak proof. He also developed adjustment mechanisms that enable the same product to fit a wide variety of applications.
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