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ABB 07 KT 93 GJR5251300R0101 ICSO
ABB 07 KT 93 GJR5251300R0101 ICSO
发布时间:2012-2-3 关注次数:680
品牌 ABB
规格型号 07 KT 93 GJR5251300R0101
编号 361001
付款方式 面议
价格单位 人民币
ABB 07 KT 93 GJR5251300R0101你想不到的惊爆价! PROCONTIC P13 全系列哈
ABB 07 KT 93 GJR5251300R0101你想不到的惊爆价! PROCONTIC P13 全系列哈
ABB 07 KT 93 GJR5251300R0101你想不到的惊爆价! PROCONTIC P13 全系列哈
ABB 07 KT 93 GJR5251300R0101你想不到的惊爆价! PROCONTIC P13 全系列哈


ABB Advant OCS,ABB MOD 30/MODCELL,ABB MOD 300,ABB Bailey INFI 90,   
ABB Procontic,ABB Procontrol,   
H&B Contronic,Moore APACS,Moore Panel Controllers,Rosemount RS3,  
 Siemens Iskamatic,Siemens Simatic S5,Siemens Simatic   
Yokogawa Centum XL,Yokogawa microXL,   
Honeywell QCS,Honeywell TDC系列,Honeywell S9000,   
HITACHI,Mitsubishi PLC,Motorola MVME,ALSOM MVME,Other VME,TOSHIBA等大型模组,   


相关型号       联系方式:苏秀斌0592-5361185     传真0592-5580710   QQ:923584346
07 AA 60 R1 GJV 30 743 65 R1 Analog Output Module ABB Procontic   兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 AA 61 R1 GJV3074366R1 07AA61R1 Analog Output Module - 4-20ma ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 AA 62 R1 GJV 30 743 Analog Output Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 AA 63 GJV3074368R1 Analog Output Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 AA 65 R1 GJV 30 743 Analog Output Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 AA 80 GJR5230010R0001 Analog Output Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 AB 200 GJV3072413R1 07AB200 Binary Output Module - Relay ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 AB 60 R1 GJV 30 743 60 R1 Digital Output Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 AB 61 R1 GJV 30 743 61 R1 Digital Output Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 AB 67 R1 GJV 30 743 64 R1 Relay Output Module ABB Procontic 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 AB 90-S GJR5250800R0101 07AB90-S Digital Output Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 AS 82   Memory Module ABB Procontic 1
07 BA 60 R1 GJV 30 743 97 R1 Empty Casing For Blank Slots ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 BE 60 R1 GJV3074304R1 RACK 6 SLOT ABB Procontic 1
07 BE 62 R1 GJV3074306R1 07BE62R1 Expansion Rack with 10 Slots ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 BR 60 R1 GJV3074375R1 Decentral I/O Coupler ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 BR 61 R1 GJV3074376R1 Decentral I/O Coupler ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 BT 60 R1 GJV3074301R1 07BT60R1 Rack ABB Procontic 2
07 BT 62 R1 GJV3074303R1 07BT62R1 Basic Module Rack- Slots for 8 I/O ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 BV 60 R1 GJV 30 743 70 R1 07BV60R1 Bus Coupler Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 CS 61 GJR5240300R0202 COUPLER PLC FIELD BUS PROCONTIC T200 ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 EA 200 GJV3072418R1 Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 EA 60 R1 GJV 30 743 50 R1 Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 EA 61 R1 GJV3074351R1 07EA61R1 Analog Input Module- 4-20 ma ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 EA 62 R1 GJV 30 743 52 R1 Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 EA 65 R1 GJV3074359R1 07EA65R1 Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 EA 80 GJR52302 Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 EA 90-S GJR5251200R0101 07EA90-S Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 EB 200 GJV3072411R1 07EB200 Binary Input Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 EB 61 R1 GJV 30 743 41 R1 07EB61R1 Digital Input Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 EB 62 R1 GJV3074342R1 Fast Binary Input Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 EB 90-S GJR5250900R0101 07EB90-S Digital Input Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 EI 60 GJV3074357R1 Interrupt Input 24v DC ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ET 83 A   Procontic Cardfile ABB Procontic 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 KP 60 R101 GJV 30 743 60 R101 Communication Module - T200 ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 KP 62 GJR5240400R105 07KP62 Communication Processor - RS232 ABB Procontic Ask
07 KP 64 GJR5240600R0101 Communication Processor - RS232 RCOM ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 KP 90 GJR5251000R0202 RCOM Protocol Master/Slave Interface Module ABB Procontic Ask
07 KR 220b GJV3072415R1 ABB Procontic Compact Configuration 07KR220b ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 KR 228 GJV3 0724 01 R1 Compact Controller ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 KR 240 GJV3072402R1 Controller - Basic Configuration ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 KR 31   Central Unit ABB Procontic Ask
07 KT 228 GJV3 0724 17 R1 Basic Configuration Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 KT 31 FPR3600228R1202 Central Unit - 30 Series ABB Procontic Ask
07 KT 60 R101 GJV3074381R101 Text Processor Module ABB Procontic Ask
07 KT 92 GJR5250500R Central Unit - 90 Series ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 KT 93 GJR5251300R0101 07 KT 93 Central Unit - 90 Series ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 MK 62 GATS110143R0002 RS232 Communications Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 NG 61 R1 GJV 30 743 11 R1 Power Supply ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 NG 63 R1 GJV 30 743 13 R1 Power Supply ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 NG 63 R2 GJV 30 743 13 R2 Power Supply ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 NG 66 R1 GJV3074315R1 Power Supply Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 NG 68 R1 GJV3074317R1 Power Supply ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 NG 82 GJR5215100R3 Procontic Power Supply ABB Procontic Ask
07 PG 200 R1 GJV3 0724 08 R1 Programming Keypad ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 PG 201 GJV3072409R1 Procontic K200 Programmer ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 PR 62 R1 GJV 30 743 36 R! Program Memory (EPROM Module) ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 PS 62 R1 GJV 30 743 32 R1 Program Memory Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 PS 62 R2 GJV 30 743 32 R2 Program Memory Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 PS 62 R3 GJV 30 743 32 R3 Program Memory ABB Procontic Ask
07 PS 63 R2 GJV 30 743 33 R2 Program Memory Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 PS 63 R3 GJV3074333R3 Program Memory - (CMOS-RAM) ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 SA 93   Positioning Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
   Procontic Timer Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 XS 80 GJR5212000R5 Procontic Digital Input Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 YS 80 GJR5212100 Procontic Digital Output Module ABB Procontic 6兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 YS 81 GJR52221800R2 Binary Output Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 YS 86 GJR5215400R2 Procontic Relay Output Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZB 60 GJR5240200R0001 Coupler Module for ABB Fieldbus ZB10 ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZB 69 R1 GJV3074379R1 Bus Coupler Card ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZB 69 R2 GJV 30 743 79 R2 Fiber Optic Coupler ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZE 60 R201 GJV3074320R201 Central Unit ABB Procontic Ask
07 ZE 61 R101 GJV3074321R101 Central Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZE 61 R302 GJV3074321R302 Central Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZE 62 R101 GJV 30 743 22 R101 Central Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZE 62 R201 GJV3074322R201 Central Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZE 62 R302 GJV 30 743 22 R302 Central Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZE 63 R302 GJV 30 743 23 R302 Central Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZE 82   Procontic CPU Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZE 88 GJR5231800R101 Processor Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZG 60 R1 GJV3074356R1 HIgh Speed Counter Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07 ZW 80 GJR5215300R2 07ZW80 Procontic B Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07BE61R1 GJV3074305R1 Rack 9-Slot ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
07PT40   Programmer ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
ECZ   Bus Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
FPR3315101R1032 ICSI16D1 ICSI16D1 I/O Remote Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
FPR3323101R1012 ICSF08D1 ICSF08D1 High Speed Counter ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
FPR3327101R0206 ICSK20F1 I/O Remote Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
GJR5210000R1 07 ET 40 R1 07ET40R1 Cardfile ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
GJR5250000R0101 07KR91 Procontic CS31 Central Unit - 90 Series ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
GJR5250000R0202 07KR91 07KR91 Procontic CS31 Central Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
GJR5251300R0161 07KT93 07KT93 Central Unit - 90 Series ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
GJR5251300R0171 07KT93 07KT93 Central Unit - 90 Series ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
GJR5251400R0101 ICDG32L1 ICDG 32 L1 Input/output Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
GJR5252100R0201 07KT94 07KT94 CPU - Advant Controller 31 ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
ICSA04B5 FPR3341501R1042 Analog I/O Remote Unit ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
ICSE08A6 6FPR3345601R1012 Remote Analog Input Module ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
ICSI08E3 FPR3316301R0014 Binary Input Module - 120 Vac ABB Procontic 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
ICSI16E1   I/O Remote Unit ABB Procontic Ask兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
ICSK20F1 FPR3327101R1202 Remote I/O Unit ABB Procontic 4兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
ICSM06A6 FPR3350601R1062 Analog I/O Remote Unit ABB Procontic 9兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
ICSO08Y1 FPR3311101R0024 Binary Input Module - 24 Vdc ABB Procontic Ask兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
ICSO16N1 FPR3313101R1052 I/O Remote Unit - Digital Output ABB Procontic 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 AA 02a-E HESG 446433 R1 70 AA 02a-E Binary Output Module ABB Procontrol P13 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 AB 01b-E HESG 446867 R2 70 AB 01b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 66
70 AS 04b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 04b-E Motor Control Module ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 AS 06a-E HESG 332112 R1 70 AS 06a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 AS 32a-E HESG 332121 R1 70 AS 32a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 6兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 AS 40b-E HESG332140R1 70 AS 40b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 AS 41b-E   70AS41b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185  13
70 AS 46b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 46b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 35兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 AS 47b-E HESG 332140 R1 70 AS 47b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 5兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 AS 67a-E HESG 332112 R1 70 AS 67a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 7兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 BA 01b HESG 446421 R2 70 BA 01b Module ABB Procontrol P13 14兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 BK 02a-E HESG 332077 R1 70 BK 02a-E Bus Coupling Module ABB Procontrol P13 20兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 BL 02C HESG 332157 R2 70 BL 02C Module ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 BL 30a HESG 446528 R1 70 BL 30a Module ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 BL 31a HESG 332123 R3 70 BL 31a Module ABB Procontrol P13 3兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 BT 01b HESG 446998 R1 70 BT 01b Module ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 BV 01b-E HESG 446421 R1 70 BV 01b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 34兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 EA 01b-E HESG 447038 R1 70 EA 01b-E Analog Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 5兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 EA 02a-E HESG 446409 R1 Analog Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 29兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 EA 03a-E HESG 446680 R1 70 EA 03a-E Analog Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 23兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 EA 04a-E HESG 446542 R1 70 EA 04a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 EA 04b-E HESG 447103 R1 70 EA 04b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 5兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 EB 01b-E HESG 447005 R2 70 EB 01b-E Digital Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 EB 02b-E HESG 446889 R4 70 EB 02b-E Digital Input Module ABB Procontrol P13 58兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 EB 03a HESG 446729 R1 70 EB 03a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 ER 01a HESG 446457 R1 70 ER 01a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 FA 01A HESG 223063 R1 70 FA 01A Intra-Plant Bus Access Coupler ABB Procontrol P13 14兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 FA 01b HESG 223140 R1 70 FA 01b Intra-Plant Bus Access Coupler ABB Procontrol P13 8兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 FK 01b HESG 447016 R1 70 FK 01b Module ABB Procontrol P13 17兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 FK01a HESG446048R1 70FK01a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 FV 01a-E HESG 332101 R1 70 FV 01a-E Control Module ABB Procontrol P13 6兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 PR 02a-E HEIE 310247 R1 70 PR 02a-E Processor Module ABB Procontrol P13 7兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 PR 03c-E HESG 223150 R1 Processor Module ABB Procontrol P13 4兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 SK 30b-E HESG 446775 R1 70 SK 30b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 SK 31b-E HESG 447060 R1 70 SK 31b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 SK 32a-E HESG 446706 R1 70 SK 32a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 SK 33b-E HESG 446917 R2 70 SK 33b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 4兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 SK 34b-E HESG 446760 R2 70 SK 34b-E Coupling Module - Micro Computer ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 SK 36b-E HESG 446959 R1 70 SK 36b-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 SK 37b-E HESG 446764 R2 70 SK 37b-E Coupling Module - Micro Computer ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 SL 01a HESG 332043 R1 70 SL 01a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 VV 01a HESG 447043 R1 70 VV 01a Module ABB Procontrol P13 5兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 WA 01a-E HESG 446707 R1 70 WA 01a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 13兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70 WB 01a HESG 446532 R1 70 WB 01a Module ABB Procontrol P13 33兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70AA01a-E   70AA01a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70AA02B-E HESG447388R0001 Output Module for Current Signals ABB Procontrol P13 3兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70AB02B-E HESG446933R0002 Output Module with Contacts ABB Procontrol P13 6兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70BA01C-S HESG447260R0002 Bus End Module ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70BK02B-E HESG332160R0001 Local Bus/Intra-Plant Bus Coupler ABB Procontrol P13 Ask兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70BK03B-E HESG447271R0001 Bus Coupler Local Bus/Serial Interface ABB Procontrol P13 Ask兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70BT01C   Bus Transmitter ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70BV05A-E HESG447245R0001 Bus Traffic Director ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70EA02A-ES HESG447308R0001 Input Module for 2-Wire Transmitters (x4) ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70EB02C-ES HESG447220R0004 Input Module for Contacts (x16) ABB Procontrol P13 Ask兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70FV01B-E HESG332164R0001 Intra-Plant Bus Traffic Director ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70PR 03d-E HESG223170R1 70PR03d-E Processor Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70PR05B-ES HESG332204R0001 Programmable Processor ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
70SL05A HESG332188R0001 Test Module for Signals ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
CT 370a GJR2 237500 R1 CT 370a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
DC 371a GJR2 237100 R1 DC 371a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
DD 371a HEIE 420334 R1 DD 371a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
DT 370a GJR2 237600 R1 DT 370a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
DT 371a GIR2 242100 R1 DT 371a Module ABB Procontrol P13 3兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
GJR2 242100 R1 DT 371a GJR2 242100 R1 Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG 446917 R1 70 SK 33b-E HESG 446917 R1 Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
KT 5191a HEIA 100323 R1 KT 5191a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
<, TD>
KT 7386a HEIE 210050 R1 KT 7386a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
KT 8991a HESG 446869 R1 KT 8991a Module ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
LR370A-E GJR2242000R0001 ABB Procontrol P13 Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
LT 370c GJR2 336500 R1 LT 370c Module ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
LT 371a GJR2 240200 R1 LT 371a Module ABB Procontrol P13 3兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
LT 9673a HESG 446076 R1 LT 9673a Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
UA 380a-E HEIE 421392 R1 UA 380a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 5兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
UA379A-E HSEG332084R0001 ABB Procontrol P13 Module ABB Procontrol P13 Ask兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
UT 372 GKWN000070 R1 UT 372 Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
UT 372c GKWN000070 R1 UT 372c Module ABB Procontrol P13 5兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
UV5627B-E HEIE420007R0001 Vibration Monitor Unit Analyzer ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
XT 375a-E HEIE 420142 R1 XT 375a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 3兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
XT 377 e-E HESG 446624R1 XT 377 e-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 12兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
XT-376a HEIE 420158 R1 XT-376a Module ABB Procontrol P13 2兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
XT-382b GKWE 001450 R9 XT-382b Module ABB Procontrol P13 9兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
XV 77135 HESG 223040 R1 XV 77135 Module ABB Procontrol P13 4兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
XV 7715b HESG 446108 R1 XV 7715b Module ABB Procontrol P13 7兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
XV 7717b HESG 446144 R1 XV 7717b Module ABB Procontrol P13 6兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
XV 7718b HESG 446139 R1 XV 7718b Module ABB Procontrol P13 7兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
XV7713b   ProControl Unit ABB Procontrol P13 4兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
XV7717C HESG447027R0001 Procontol Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
ZT 372a-E GJR2 237800 R1 ZT 372a-E Module ABB Procontrol P13 1兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185

HESG447433R0001 70BV05A-ES, Bus Traffic Director 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447260R0002 70BA01C-S, Bus End Module 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG332181R0001 70BL02D-S, Bus Cable: Rack/Rack 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447271R0002 70BK03B-ES, Bus Coupler Local Bus/Serial Interface 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447440R0001 RS232,
HESG447440R0003 RS422/485 70BK03C-E, Bus Coupler Local Bus/Serial Interface 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG332194R0001 70BK06A-E, Bus Coupler P13/Serial Interface 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447433R0001 70BV05A-ES, Bus Traffic Director 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447260R0002 70BA01C-S, Bus End Module 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG332181R0001 70BL02D-S, Bus Cable: Rack/Rack 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447271R0002 70BK03B-ES, Bus Coupler Local Bus/Serial Interface 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447440R0001 RS232,
HESG447440R0003 RS422/485 70BK03C-E, Bus Coupler Local Bus/Serial Interface 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG332194R0001 70BK06A-E, Bus Coupler P13/Serial Interface 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG223147R0001 70VA01B-E, Supply Module for AC/DC 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447043R0001 70VV01A, Power Distribution Module 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HEIE210050R0001 KT7386A, Power Supply Unit 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG446624R0001 XT377E, Supervisory Module for Positive Voltage 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
GKWE001450R0009 XT382B-R9, Power Supply Distribution Module 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447307R001 70EA01B-ES, Input Module for Analog Signals (x4) 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447308R0001 70EA02A-ES, Input Module for 2-Wire Transmitters (x4) 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG446680R0001 70EA03A-E, Input Module for Resistances (x4) 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447419R0001 70EA05A-E, Input Module for Thermoelectric Voltages (x8) 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447398R0020  70EA06A-E, Input Module for Analog Signals (x4) 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447005R0002 70EB01B-E, Input Module for 24-V Binary Signals (x16) 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447220R0004 70EB02C-ES, Input Module for Contacts (x16) 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG332143R0001 70EB10A-E, Input Module for Sequential Event Recording (x32) 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG447427R0001 70EI05A-E, Input Module for Rotational Speed] 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG446457R0001 70ER01A, Input Module for Return-Signal Contacts 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HEIE420696R0001 XP8670A, Compensating Resistor 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG332204R0001 70PR05B-E, Programmable Processor 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG223044R0001 PT8153B-E, Programmable Compact Controller 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
HESG446212R0001] 70AA01A-E, Output Module for Voltage Signals,兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
+/-10V (x4)
HESG447388R0001] 70AA02B-E, Output Module for Current Signals,兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
0 to 20mA
HESG447224R0002 70AB01C-ES, Output Module for Binary Signals,兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
24V (x16)
HESG446933R0002 70AB02B-E, Output Module with Contacts, 兴锐达!你懂得!苏秀斌0592-5361185
up to 60 V (x16)


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