安科瑞 陈正
ADW300 Wireless Metering Meter is mainly used to metering three phase activeenergy on low voltage network. The product boasts of advantages including compact size,high precision, rich features. According to different requirements, there are manycommunications functions like RS485 communication, 2G, NB, 4G, adding the newcurrent sampling mode using external transformer. It can be flexibly installed in thedistribution box to achieve sub-item electric energy metering, operation and maintenancesupervision or power monitoring requirements for different regions and different loads.
ADW300 无线计量仪表主要用于计量低压网络的三相有功电能,具有体积小、精度高、功能丰富等优点,并且可选通讯方式多,可支持 RS485 通讯和 Lora、2G、NB、4G 等无线通讯方式,增加了外置互感器的电流采样模式,从而方便用户在不同场合进行安装使用。可灵活安装于配电箱内,实现对不同区域和不同负荷的分项电能计量、运维监管或电力监控等需求。
ADW300 和 ADW300W 均可采用三相四线经电流互感器接入、三相三线经电流互感器接入、三相四线经电压电流互感器接入和三相三线经电流电压互感器接入四种接线方式。