BÖHLER FOX EV 75伯乐进口焊条
奥地利伯乐BOHLER FOX EV 75焊条E10018-GH4R低合金高强钢焊条
ClassificationsEN ISO 18275-A EN ISO 18275-B AWS A5.5 AWS A5.5ME 62 6 Mn2NiCrMo B 4 2 H5 E6918-G A H5 E10018-GH4R E6918-GH4RE10018MH4R (mod.) E6918MH4R (mod.)
Characteristics and typical fields of applicationMn-Mo-Ni -alloyed basic electrode with high ductility and crack resistance for high-strength,quenched and tempered fine-grained constructional steels. Suitable for service temperatures at–60 °C to +400 °C.Weld metal recovery approx. 120 %. Easy weld ability in all positions except vertical-down.Preheat, interpass temperature and post weld heat treatment as required by the base metal.Very low hydrogen content (acc. AWS condition HD < 4 ml/100 g weld metal).
Base materialsQuenched and tempered fine-grained steels up to 620 MPa yield strength, QT-steels up to730 MPa tensile strengthS500Q-S620Q, S500QL-S620QL, S500QL1-S620QL1, L485MB-L555MB, L485QB-L555QB,alform 500 M, 550 M, 600 M, aldur 550 Q, 550 QL, 550 QL1ASTM A 572 Gr. 65; A 633 Gr. E; A 738 Gr. A; A 852; API 5 L X70, X80, X70Q, X80Q
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