Avesta FCW-2D 2205阿维斯塔不锈钢药芯焊丝
瑞典阿维斯塔AVESTA P5进口焊条 瑞典阿维斯塔AVESTA 253 MA耐高温不锈钢焊条性能
天津海焊专业销售瑞典阿维斯塔进口不锈钢焊条焊丝 不锈钢氩弧焊丝气保焊丝药芯焊丝 镍基合金焊条焊丝 低合金焊条高强钢焊条焊丝等特种焊接材料
Classification EN ISO 17633-A EN ISO 17633-B AWS A5.22 T 22 9 3 N L R M21 3 TS2209-F M21 0 E2209T0-4 T 22 9 3 N L R C1 3 TS2209-F C1 0 E2209T0-1 Characteristics and typical fields of application Avesta FCW-2D 2205 is primarily designed for welding austenitic-ferritic duplex stainless steels. Avesta FCW-2D 2205 provides excellent weldability in flat as well as horizontal-vertical position. Corrosion resistance: Very good resistance to pitting and stress corrosion cracking in chloride containing environments. PREN >35. Meets the corrosion test requirements per ASTM G48 Methods A, B and E (22°C), ASTM G36 and NACE TM 0177 Method A. Base Materials Same and similar alloyed duplex steels, as well as dissimilar joints or weld claddings 1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3, 1.4362 X2CrNiN23-4, 1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 with 1.4583 X10CrNiMoNb18-12, 1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 with P235GH/ P265GH, S255N, P295GH, S460N, 16Mo3 UNS S31803, S32205

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