65 mn spring steel, 65 mn spring steel band, 65 mn steel belt heat treatment, 65 mn spring steel quenching zone, soft material 65 mn spring steel, 65 mn half hard spring steel, 65 mn spring steel round bar, 65 mn spring steel wire, 65 mn spring steel oil quenching steel wire, 65 mn spring steel hot rolled round bars, 65 mn spring steel cold-drawn round bar, 65 mn spring steel hot rolled steel, 65 mn spring steel cold rolled steel, 65 mn spring steel strip, 65 mn spring steel wholesale, price of 65 mn spring steel, 65 mn spring steel specifications, the performance of 65 mn spring steel, 65 mn spring steel manufacturers, 65 mn manganese steel, spring steel,
65mn 强度.硬度.弹性和淬透性均比65号钢高,具有过热敏感性和回火脆性倾向,水淬有形成裂纹倾向。退火态可切削性尚可,冷变形塑性低,焊接性差。 受中等载荷的板弹簧,直径达7-20mm的螺旋弹簧及弹簧垫圈.弹簧环。高耐磨性零件,如磨床主轴.弹簧卡头.精密机床丝杆.切刀.螺旋辊子轴承上的套环.铁道钢轨等。
硅 Si:0.17~0.37

中欧金属材料是一家经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。是一家专业的模具钢材及五金配件系统供应商,公司自1998年建立以来已有多家的合作伙伴,公司以更快更好、更实惠的优质服务和广大客户合作. 特约代理批发经销日本"住友" 、美国"芬可乐"、德国"撒斯特"、台湾"中钢"、"新日铁"、宝钢‘鞍钢‘’’浙钢、专业经销批发进口弹簧钢、弹簧钢板、弹簧钢线、弹簧钢带、弹簧钢圆棒、弹簧钢热轧钢板、冷轧钢板、司作为优质模具材料销售的市场倡导者,深知模具材料的质量及稳定性对模具制造的重要性,因此公司实行严格的出货检验制度。
Central Europe metal material is a has been approved by the relevant departments of the state registration of enterprises. Is a professional mold steel and metal accessories system provider, the company set up since 1998 there have been several partners, the company in order to better and faster, more affordable quality services and the broad masses of customers. The agent wholesale distribution of Japan "sumitomo, the United States" Finn coke ", "Germany" and, ", Taiwan "steel", "Nippon steel, baosteel" ' ' ' 'zhejiang steel, anshan professional wholesale distribution of imported spring steel, spring steel, spring steel wire, spring steel, spring steel round bar, spring steel, hot rolled steel plate, cold rolled steel plates, as a high quality mould materials sales market advocates, know mold material quality and stability of the importance of mold manufacture, so the company strict 。
弹簧钢带:厚度0.02MM-3.0MM 宽度5MM-1000MM (软料)(半硬)(全硬)(特硬) 热处理钢带
弹簧钢棒:直径0.15MM-180MM 长度1000MM-6000MM (软态)(淬火热处理过)
弹簧钢板:厚度0.15MM-180MM 宽度:(冷轧、冷拉:200MM-1000MM)、 (热轧:1250MM) 长度:(冷轧、冷拉:1219MM-2000MM)、 (热轧:2500MM)。
弹簧钢线:直径0.10MM-15MM (油淬火钢线)(退火钢线)
本公司提供原材材质证明质保书S..G..S报告等证书! 进口弹簧钢