一. 安装简介:茅草瓦片由屋檐从下向上铺, 与常规铺瓦的方法一样。每一片茅草|稻草瓦片横向重叠3㎜, 重叠时注意不要太多,,否则会超出预算量。沿着屋檐的茅草建议草线留长点重叠多点, 突出飘垂厚重效果.
二.安装步骤:第一层, 沿着参照线将仿真茅草瓦的实瓦部分沿着屋檐边钉实.第二层, 比第一层向上退1-2㎝.第三层, 第四层照此重叠钉实.第五层以上向上退约5-6㎝(约是退茅草实瓦部分的宽度)
四. 安装完毕整理工作: 整个茅草屋顶安装完之后, 可将茅草瓦的弯度适当压一压, 挑一挑使之顺坦自然。(特别是屋檐草须部分)。您也可以选择蓬松效果(茅草瓦片压弯度大则蓬松),也可以选择平顺效果(茅草瓦片压弯度小则平顺),根据需要来整理.
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五. 温馨提示:
1. 仿真茅草虽有一定的防雨水作用(重叠较厚时),但挡雨水并不是它的主要功能,建议安装前屋顶做好专业的防水层.
2. 安装时不要过于紧凑,也不要过于稀松, 以免影响整体效果.
3. 整体效果:从下往上看, 不要看到屋顶基础层, 效果最佳.
4. 安装完工禁止踩踏, 用手折. <BR>5. 安装之后不用作防火和防虫处理, 没有维修和更换工作量.
A. Install the introduction: a thatched roof tiles to spread from the next, and conventional spread the methods of the watts. Every piece of thatched | straw tiles transverse overlapping 3 ㎜, overlap note don't too much,, otherwise you will exceed the budget volume. Along the grass thatched roof advice line to keep long point overlap more, outstanding flowed massiness effect.
2. The installation process: the first layer, reference line along the simulation thatched watts of real watts along the roof of the pin reality. The second, than the first layer 1-2 ㎝ back up. The third, fourth layer as the overlap of nail. Fifth layer above up about 5-6 back ㎝ (about is back part of the width of thatched watts)
3. Roof installation method: inclined ridge: first shop on both sides of the cottage into a god, and again from the back to the upper berth form the rain oriented. Is convergent ridge: a thatched roof tiles to finish paving to do is ? ridge
Four. Installed after the arrangement work: the whole a thatched roof after installation, can be a thatched tile hooking ability of the appropriate press a pressure, pick a pick to shun jotham nature. (especially must be part of the grass roof). You can also choose to fleeciness effect (thatched tiles of bending the fleeciness), also can choose smooth effect (bending degree small thatched tiles is smooth), according to the need to sort out.
Five. Sweet hint: www.zzk123.cn
1. The simulation thatched despite of some prevent the rain action (overlap thicker), but to block rain is one of the main function, the proposal before the installation roof to waterproof layer of professional.
2. When installation, not too tight, also not too poor, so as not to affect the overall effect.
3. The overall effect: from the bottom to see, don't see JiChuCeng roof, best effect.
4. The completed installation ban trample, with versatile. < BR > 5. After the installation is not a fire prevention and insect-resistant processing, no maintenance and replacement workload.
6. The tool: air pump, yards to nail a gun, stainless steel, stainless steel row code nail nails and ShuiNiDing etc, choose according to need tools and gun nails.