1. Type D: Type D pump for the transport of water without solid particles, temperature slower than 80 degrees C of clean water or physical and chemical similar to clear water liquid, suitable for mining or urban water supply and drainage works.
Type D pump for delivery temperature of -20 c to 105 degrees C, no solid particles of corrosive liquid, can also be used as a second high-pressure boiler for water pump, pump import allowed pressure of 0.6MPa. The user can choose the material of the pump, seal form, structure of the pump and determine the capacity of the motor according to the name, concentration, pump import pressure, use temperature and so on.
The D-pump is used to transport oil and petroleum products with a temperature of -20 c to 105 degrees C, with a viscosity of less than 120 percent.
The D-pump is used to transport mine water and similar liquids containing a small amount of solid particles with a particle diameter of less than 0.5mm and a temperature of less than 80c.
Type D pump for the transport of non-solid particles, temperature below 105 degrees C of clean water, or physical and chemical similar to the liquid of clean water, suitable for medium, hot water-like medium and medium and low pressure boiler water supply or transport hot water and class.
英国目前有3个正在的超高压线路分别联接法国、荷兰和爱尔兰,另外还有两个互联线路也将于近期建成。6月5日,从此前紧急停牌中复盘的神雾环保终于恢复了一些元气,复牌后股价涨幅超过4%,交易量也创半年来的新高,按照排污单位污染物产生量、排放量和危害程度不同,《名录》将排污单位分为重点和简化两类。 《意见》提出,各地对具备成片土地资源且具备统一送出消纳条件的光伏电站场址,编制光伏发电先进技术应用基地,
