Shaft seal(seal): The shaft seal type of the pump has packing seal, cover impeller seal, mechanical seal.
Transmission: There are V-type triangular belt transmission, elastic coupling transmission, gear gearbox transmission, hydraulic coupling transmission, frequency conversion drive device, Silicon controllable speed adjustment and so on. Among them, the V-type triangular belt drive has CL, CV, CR, ZL, ZV, and ZR transmissions.
Overall performance: wide range of pump performance, cavitation performance, high efficiency. Multistage tandem technology can be used for long-distance transportation. There are a variety of metals available for the flow parts and the depth is increased. With various speeds and variations, the pump is operated under good engineering. Long service life, high operating efficiency, can be many kinds of poor transportation conditions.
Transmission: There are V-type triangular belt transmission, elastic coupling transmission, gear gearbox transmission, hydraulic coupling transmission, frequency conversion drive device, Silicon controllable speed adjustment and so on. Among them, the V-type triangular belt drive has CL, CV, CR, ZL, ZV, and ZR transmissions.
Overall performance: wide range of pump performance, cavitation performance, high efficiency. Multistage tandem technology can be used for long-distance transportation. There are a variety of metals available for the flow parts and the depth is increased. With various speeds and variations, the pump is operated under good engineering. Long service life, high operating efficiency, can be many kinds of poor transportation conditions.
南和10/8ST-AH尾矿渣浆泵有现货泵体泵盖及过流部件:该系列泵为、垂直中形式、双泵壳结构渣浆泵。泵体和泵盖带有可更换的金属内衬,内衬材质为高铬耐磨合金材料,内衬可一直用到磨穿为止,周期,运行成本。泵的出口方向可按8个角度安装。 huiquanjdzj
7,一般来说,即使顺式含量的聚合物在这一温度下也会结晶.顺丁这种低温下所具有的较高弹性及抗硬化性能,使其与天然橡胶或丁苯橡胶并用肘,能改善它们的低温性能.滞后损失和生热小 由于高顺式丁二烯橡胶分子链段的运动所需要克服周围分子链的阻力和作用力小,内摩擦小,当作用于分子的外力去掉后,顺丁橡胶接头分子能较快的回复至原状,因此滞后损失小,生热小。
轴封(密封):泵的轴封型式有填料密封、付叶轮密封、 机械密封。
传动:有V型三角带传动、弹性联轴传动、齿轮减速箱传动、液力偶合器传动、变频驱动装置、可控硅调速等。其中V型三角带传动有 CL、CV、CR、ZL、ZV、ZR传动。
整体性能:泵的性能范围宽、汽蚀性能好、效率高。可采用多级串联技术,以远距离输送。过流部件有多种金属可供选用,并且加深度。 采用多种速度和多种变型,使得泵在佳工矿下运行。使用寿命长,运行效益高,能多类恶劣的输送条件。
6,耐磨橡胶接头采用顺丁橡胶接头,顺丁橡胶接头(会泉泵业)高弹性 高顺式丁二烯橡胶是当前所有橡胶中弹性的一种橡胶接头,甚至在很低的温度下,分子链段都能自内运动,所以能在很宽的温度范围内显示高弹性,甚至在-40℃时还能保持。