驱动PLC是紧凑的控制系统,使变频器的整合极为简单。ETCxC 和ETCHM产品的动态运动控制系统有CNC功能(6D),使控制功能包更加完善
EVF9335-EV EVF9336-EV 135,587 EVF9337-EV 158,568 EVF9338-EV 182,698
EVF9335-EVV030 129,842 EVF9336-EVV030 149,376 EVF9337-EVV030 172,356 EVF9338-EVV030 196,486
EVF9335-EVV060 129,842 EVF9336-EVV060 150,525 EVF9337-EVV060 175,803 EVF9338-EVV060 202,231
EVF9335-EVV110 143,630 EVF9336-EVV110 164,313 EVF9337-EVV110 189,592 EVF9338-EVV110 216,020
external accessories
Motor choke ELM3-0003H275 10,341 ELM3-0003H275 10,341 ELM3-0002H320 11,490 ELM3-0002H410 12,639
Air lock E93ZWL 2,988 E93ZWL 2,988 E93ZWL 2,988 E93ZWL 2,988
EVF9381-EV 241,299 EVF9382-EV 288,410 EVF9383-EV 352,756
EVF9381-EVV030 268,876 EVF9382-EVV030 315,987 EVF9383-EVV030 380,333
EVF9381-EVV060 272,323 EVF9382-EVV060 324,030 EVF9383-EVV060 395,271
EVF9381-EVV110 299,900 EVF9382-EVV110 351,607 EVF9383-EVV110 422,848
external accessories
Motor choke 2x ELM3-0003H275 10,341 2x ELM3-0002H320 11,490 2x ELM3-0002H410 12,639
Air lock E93ZWL2 5,975 E93ZWL2 5,975 E93ZWL2 5,975
Effective as
EVF9335-EVV210 136,736 EVF9336-EVV210 159,717 EVF9337-EVV210 183,847 EVF9338-EVV210 242,448
EVF9335-EVV240 156,270 EVF9336-EVV240 179,251 EVF9337-EVV240 203,381 EVF9338-EVV240 261,982
EVF9335-EVV270 150,525 EVF9336-EVV270 174,654 EVF9337-EVV270 201,082 EVF9338-EVV270 261,982
EVF9335-EVV300 170,058 EVF9336-EVV300 194,188 EVF9337-EVV300 220,616 EVF9338-EVV300 281,515
external accessories
Motor choke ELM3-0003H275 10,341 ELM3-0003H275 10,341 ELM3-0002H320 11,490 ELM3-0002H410 12,639
Air lock E93ZWL 2,988 E93ZWL 2,988 E93ZWL 2,988 E93ZWL 2,988
EVF9381-EVV210 294,155 EVF9382-EVV210 353,905 EVF9383-EVV210 418,251
EVF9381-EVV240 333,222 EVF9382-EVV240 392,972 EVF9383-EVV240 457,319
EVF9381-EVV270 325,179 EVF9382-EVV270 389,525 EVF9383-EVV270 460,766
EVF9381-EVV300 364,246 EVF9382-EVV300 428,593 EVF9383-EVV300 499,833
external accessories
Motor choke 2x ELM3-0003H275 10,341 2x ELM3-0002H320 11,490 2x ELM3-0002H410 12,639
Air lock E93ZWL2 5,975 E93ZWL2 5,975 E93ZWL2 5,975
Handhelt XT with operation terminal E82ZBBXC 1,586
operation module XT EMZ9371BC 774
Diagnosis terminal with 1.5 m cable 9372BB EMZ9372BB 5,378
Lecom A/B 2102IBCV001 (RS232/485) EMF2102IBCV001 1,092
Lecom B 2102IBCV002 (RS485) EMF2102IBCV002 896
Lecom LI 2102IBCV003 (fibre optic) EMF2102IBCV003 1,092
Lecom A 2102IBCV004 (RS232) EMF2102IBCV004 1,092
InterBus fieldbus module 2113IB (500k Baud / 2M Baud) EMF2113IB 2,643
PROFIBUS fieldbus module 2133IB EMF2133IB 2,654
DeviceNet/CANopen fieldbus module 2175IB EMF2175IB 2,654
Converter PC interface / system bus (complete) for DIN connection EMF2173IB 4,045
Converter PC interface / system bus (complete) for PS2 connection EMF2173IB-V002 4,045
Converter PC interface / system bus like V002, but galvanic isolation EMF2173IB-V003 5,148
CANopen Feldbusmodul 2178IB EMF2178IB 2,654
DeviceNet Fieldbus module 2179IB EMF2179IB 2,654
Remote maintenance module ModemCAN EMF2181IB 7,354
Remote maintenance module EthernetCAN EMF2180IB 8,618
System cable RS232/485 <--> PC 5,0 m EWL0020 586
System cable RS232/485 <--> PC 10,0 m EWL0021 758
Optical-fibre adapter for host 0...40m EMF2125IB 1,551
Optical-fibre adapter for host 30...66m EMF2126IB 1,551
Supply unit for optical fibre adapter EJ0013 322
Optical fibre 1core black PE sheath, per meter EWZ0007 24
Optical fibre 1 core red PUR aheath, per meter EWZ0006 61
2,5 m cable of manual terminal E82ZWL025 241
5,0 m cable of manual terminal E82ZWL050 276
10,0 m cable of manual terminal E82ZWL100 333
Set-value potentiometer 10 kOhm/1Watt ERPD0010K0001W 85
Scale for setpoint potentiometer ERZ0002 24
Knob for setpoint potentiometer ERZ0001 54
System cable for master frequency coupling, lenth 1,2 m, socket/ pin EWLD001GGBS93 1,436
System cable for master frequency coupling, lenth 2.5 m, socket/ pin EWLD002GGBS93 1,747
System cable for master frequency coupling, lenth 10 m, socket/ pin EWLD010GGBS93 2,321
System cable for master frequency coupling, lenth 25 m, socket/ pin EWLD025GGBS93 3,286
Master frequency distribution board 2132IB EMF2132IB 1,827
Distribution board TS 485, passive EWZ0011 391
Brake switch (Half wave) E82ZWBRE 460
Brake switch (Full wave) E82ZWBRB 460
Brake resistor (number depends on the application - only for EVF9335 - EVF9383) ERBD015R04K0 7,607
Brake resistor ERBD018R06K0 10,341

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