Open the hood and check the cooling water level. Check engine oil level. Check that the fan belt is cracked and worn. Check the water level of the battery electrolyte. Check hydraulic oil level. Check brake oil level. Put down the hood, get on the bus and sit down. Adjust seat to proper position. Tilt the steering wheel to the desired position. Check that the speakers are functioning properly. Check if the brake pedal is normal. Try to pedal the accelerator pedal properly. Try on the clutch pedal properly. (manual gear type) test whether the pedal is normal. (automatic transmission models) operation of the parking brake lever is normal.
青春,如三月的春花,我们陶醉在春花里。三月的春花,是我们的初恋。花开半夏,岁月静好,浅笑安然。三月春花,有着不同的颜色,不同的形状,不同的意向。那水灵灵的粉红的桃花,恋着春风,恋着春雨; 那纯白娇小的茉莉,散发着淡淡的清香;那深红的杜鹃,像燃烧着红色的火焰。初恋,是一种颜色鲜艳的花朵;初恋,是一种幽幽的馨香;初恋,是一种岁月的沉淀。
Turn the key switch to ON to check that the fuel oil is adequate. Check the warning lights and instrument on the instrument board is normal. Check the direction light control rod function is normal. Check that the brake light is working properly. Start the engine and let the engine warm up for 5 minutes to check if there is abnormal or abnormal vibration. Check mast lift and front and rear slope is smooth, and check oil cylinder and tubing for oil leakage. The stacker slowly relocated to safe area. Check clutch action (inch switch action) is normal. Check brake power is sufficient. Check steering steering is normal.