The warehouse forklift is mainly designed for the transportation of goods in the warehouse. In addition to a small number of warehouse trucks (such as manual forklift) is the use of human driving, others are in motor driving, because the body is compact, mobile and flexible, light weight and good environmental performance and has been widely used in warehousing industry. In many operations, motor driven warehouse trucks need to have spare battery.
承载能力为 1.0~1.6吨,作业通道宽度一般为2.3~2.8米,在结构上比电动托盘搬运叉车多了门架,货叉提升高度一般在4.8米内,主要用于仓库内的货物堆垛及装卸。
Electric pallet stacking forklift
The bearing capacity of 1 tons to 1.6 tons, the operating channel width is generally 2.3 to 2.8 meters, the structure more than electric pallet truck door frame, fork lift height is generally 4.8 meters, mainly used for stacking and handling goods in the warehouse.
承载能力 1.0~2.5吨,门架可以整体前移或缩回,缩回时作业通道宽度一般为2.7~3.2米,提升高度最高可达11米左右,常用于仓库内中等高度的堆垛、取货作业。
Forward lift fork lift truck
The carrying capacity of 1 to 2.5 tons, the door frame can be ahead or retract when retracting the operating channel width is generally 2.7 ~ 3.2 meters, maximum lifting height up to 11 meters in height, commonly used in the warehouse stacking, pickup operation etc..