Back stick type rubber waterstop mainly with natural rubber and various synthetic rubber as the main raw material, and the filling material mixed with various additives, through plasticizing, mixing, molding, the more varieties of different specifications, bridge, mountain type, P type, U type, Z type, T type, H type, type, E type and Q type etc.. According to the usage, the back - up rubber waterproof belt can be classified as the embedded rubber water stop belt and the back - mounted rubber water stop belt.技术标准
背贴式橡胶止水带是采用国家标准GB18173.2-2000《高分子防水材料止水带》组织生产的。 因此我们可以按用户要求生产各种形状、尺寸的橡胶止水带,另外还为不同工程、不同部位的需要备有十字型,丁字型、斜度型和内外转角型产品,可适用于任何设计要求。在止水带产品在运输时,应避免阳光直射,勿与热源、油类及有害溶剂接触。成品应取直平放,勿加重压。存放场所最好保持-10℃-+30℃,相对湿度在40%-80%。背贴式橡胶止水带适用范围:应用于地下构筑物、水坝、贮水池、游泳池、屋面以及其他建筑物质和构筑物的变形缝防水。
Back mounted rubber water stop is a kind of high elasticity made of rubber, which produces elastic deformation under various loads, so as to achieve strong sealing, effectively prevent leakage of building structure, seepage and play a role of shock absorption and buffering. In many engineering architectural design, there are certain requirements between the telescopic construction, soil structure, and there are problems such as waterproof and shockproof, so using and installing the rubber sealing strip is effective means to solve these problems. This product is mainly used in concrete cast-in-place construction joints and deformation joints, and foundation engineering, concrete structure has become one of the underground facilities, tunnel, culvert aqueduct, dam etc., to ensure the construction of service life.