双色接地线 黄绿接地线就是直接连接地球的线,也可以称为安全回路线,危险时它就把高压直接转嫁给地球,算是一根生命线。
一般在光伏电站中,接地引下线和接地体的电阻很小,多可忽略。系统的接地电阻主要为接地体到大地无限远处的电阻,即主要由接地体周围的土壤电阻率决定。 土壤电阻率
Elizabeth’s profound diplomacy and quick intelligence were shown even thus early at this critical juncture. Sir Robert Tyrwhitt and his wife were sent by the Protector to worm out of her all she knew of the plot. Threats, cajolery, forged letters and invented confessions, were all tried upon her in vain. She would tell nothing of importance. “She hath,” says Tyrwhitt, “a very good wit and nothing is gotten of her but by great policy.” She bitterly resented the imprisonment of her governess, Mrs. Ashley, and the substitution of Lady Tyrwhitt; and said that she had not so behed that they need put more mistresses upon her; wept all night and sulked all day, but withal was too much for Tyrwhitt, who owed that “if he had to say his fantasy he thinks it more meet she should he two governesses than one.”
the handsome, showy Seymour; but how far their relations went will most likely never now be known. She indignantly wrote to the Protector complaining of the slanders that were current about her, to the effect that she was with child by the Lord Admiral and demanded to be allowed to come to Court and “show herself as she was”; but virtuous indignation, real and assumed, was always one of her fourite weapons. Tyrwhitt said he believed a secret compact had been entered into between her and Ashley and Parry never to confess during their lives. “They all sing one song and she hath set the note for them.”