TPE 美国吉力士 G7960-1001-00,价格合理,诚信经营,可全国供货(广东省内免费送上门)。支持物流,快递和货运;支持现金,银行转账交易。
TPE 美国吉力士 G7960-1001-00特性:
TPE G7960-1001-00 美国吉力士用于体育用品 密封圏专用料TPE

TPE 美国吉力士 G7960-1001-00
TPE 美国吉力士 G7960-1001-00
TPE 美国吉力士 G7960-1001-00
TPE 美国吉力士 G7960-1001-00
TPE 美国吉力士 G7960-1001-00
TPE 美国吉力士 G7960-1001-00其他型号报价:
美国吉力士 |
42000 |
美国吉力士 |
41000 |
美国吉力士 |
54000 |
美国吉力士 |
40000 |
美国吉力士 |
53000 |
美国吉力士 |
54000 |
美国吉力士 |
55000 |
美国吉力士 |
50000 |
美国吉力士 |
49000 |
美国吉力士 |
48000 |
美国吉力士 |
25000 |
美国吉力士 |
35000 |
美国吉力士 |
48000 |
美国吉力士 |
28000 |
美国吉力士 |
38000 |
美国吉力士 |
52000 |
美国吉力士 |
30000 |
美国吉力士 |
30000 |
美国吉力士 |
30000 |
美国吉力士 |
42000 |
美国吉力士 |
42000 |
TPE 美国吉力士 G7960-1001-00
热塑性弹性体的的优点 |
(1)可用一般的热塑性塑料成型机加工,例如注塑成型、挤出成型、吹塑成型、压缩成型、递模成型等; |
(2)能用橡胶注塑成型机硫化,时间可由原来的20min左右,缩短到1min以内; |
(3)可用压出机成型硫化,压出速度快、硫化时间短; |
(4)生产过程中产生的废料(逸出毛边、挤出废胶)和最终出现的废品,可以直接返回再利用; |
(5)用过的TPE旧品可以简单再生之后再次利用,减少环境污染,扩大资源再生来源; |
(6)不需硫化,节省能源,以高压软管生产能耗为例:橡胶为188MJ/kg,TPE为144MJ/kg,可节能25%以上; |
(7)自补强性大,配方大大简化,从而使配合剂对聚合物的影响制约大为减小,质量性能更易掌握; |
(8)为橡胶工业开拓新的途径,扩大了橡胶制品应用领域。 |
热塑性弹性体的缺点 |
TPE的耐热性不如橡胶,随着温度上升而物性下降幅度较大,因而适用范围受到限制。同时,压缩变形、弹回性、耐久性等同橡胶相比较差,价格上也往往高于同类的橡胶。但总的说来,TPE的优点仍十分突出,而缺点则在不断改进之中,作为一种节能环保的橡胶新型原料,发展前景十分看好。 |
TPE 美国吉力士 G7960-1001-00
Styrene TPE, also known as TPS, is a copolymer of butadiene or isoprene and styrene block, and its performance is closest to SBR rubber. At present the world's TPS production has reached more than 70 million t, accounting for about half of all TPE. Representative varieties are styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer (SBS), widely used in the footwear industry, has largely replaced the rubber; at the same time in the tape, rubber and other industrial rubber products in the use In the ever-expanding. SBS is also used as a large number of PS plastic impact modifier, but also asphalt pavement pavement wear, anti-cracking, anti-soft and anti-slip excellent modifier. SBS modified PS plastic, not only as rubber as greatly improve the impact resistance, and transparency is also very good. SBS modified asphalt pavement than SBR rubber, WRP powder, easier to dissolve in the asphalt. Therefore, although the price is more expensive, still get a lot of use. Today, more waterproof membrane to further promote the roofs of buildings, subways, tunnels, trenches and other waterproof, moisture above. SBS and S-SBR, NP rubber and the use of the manufacture of sponge, than the original PVC, EVA plastic sponge more rubber touch, and lighter than the vulcanized rubber, bright colors, clear patterns. Thus, not only suitable for the manufacture of rubber shoes in the end of the sponge, but also travel shoes, sports shoes, fashion shoes and other one-time outsole ideal material.
In recent years, styrene-butadiene-based block styrene polymer (SIS) developed rapidly, its production accounts for about 1/3 of the amount of TPS, about 90% used in adhesives. SIS made of hot melt adhesive is not only excellent viscosity, but also good heat resistance, has now become the United States and Europe, the main material of hot melt adhesives. SBS and SIS the biggest problem is not heat, the use of temperature generally can not exceed 80 ℃. At the same time, its strong stretch, weatherability, oil resistance, wear resistance, etc. can not be compared with rubber. To this end, in recent years, the United States and Europe and other countries to carry out a series of performance improvements, there have been SBS and SIS saturated hydrogenation SEBS and SEPS. SEBS (BR hydrogenation as a soft segment) and SEPS (IR hydrogenation for soft segment) can greatly improve the impact strength, weather resistance and heat aging resistance. Japan's Mitsubishi Chemical in 1984 and SEBS, SEPS as the base material made a better performance of the mixture, and this saturated TPS named "Rubberron" listed. Therefore, SEBS and SEPS are not only universal, but also the use of engineering plastics to improve weather resistance, abrasion resistance and heat aging of the blending material, and therefore soon developed into nylon (PA), polycarbonate (PC) and other projects Plastic "alloy" of the compatibilizer. In addition, the development of high transparency of epoxy resin TPS and medical and health with non-toxic TPS and many other new varieties.
SBS or SEBS and PP plastic melt blending, can also form IPN type TPS. The so-called IPN, is actually the two networks run through each other together the polymer, it is also known as interpenetrating network compounds. Although most of them belong to thermosetting resins, there are many thermoplastic elastomers that exhibit TPE in cross-continuous phase morphology. IPN-TPS formed with SBS or SES as the substrate and other engineering plastics can be directly coated without pretreatment. The coating is not easy to scratch, and has a certain oil resistance, elasticity coefficient in the low temperature range of temperature does not change; greatly improve the engineering plastics cold and heat resistance. Styrene-based compounds are copolymerized with rubber and can be thermoplastic TPE. EPDM / styrene, BR / styrene, CI-IIR / styrene, NP / styrene and the like have been developed.
2. Olefin TPE
Olefin TPE is PP as hard segment and EPDM for the soft segment of the blend, referred to as TPO. Because it is lighter than other TPE (only O.88), heat resistance up to 100 ℃, weather resistance and ozone resistance Ye Hao, TPE has become another fast-growing varieties. Since 1972 in the United States by the UniroyaI company TPR to the name of the first listing, double-digit growth for many years, 2000 production has reached 35,000 t, by 2002 estimated to reach 400,000 t. Now, TPO has become the United States and Japan and other automotive and home appliances in the field of major rubber and plastics materials. Especially in the car has accounted for its total 3/4, with its manufacturing car bumper, has basically replaced the original metal and PU. In 1973, the dynamic part of the vulcanized TPO, especially in 1981, the United States Mansanto company successfully developed Santoprere named completely dynamic vulcanization of TPO, the performance is greatly improved, the maximum temperature of up to 120 ℃. This dynamic vulcanization of TPO referred to as TPV, mainly on the TPO in the PP and EPDM mixture in the melt blending, can be added to its curing crosslinking agent, the use of mixer, screw machine and other mechanical height of the shear Strength, so that the full vulcanization of fine EPDM cross-linked rubber particles, fully dispersed in the PP matrix. Through the "particle effect" of this cross-linked rubber, TPO's compressive deformation resistance, heat aging resistance, oil resistance and so on have been significantly improved, and even reached the level of CR rubber, which people call it thermoplastic vulcanization glue.
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TPE 美国吉力士 G7960-1001-00

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