DOOZ INSTRUMENT (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.is an instruments and equipment supplier and service provider specialized in mechanical measurement machine, materials chemical composition, physical performance testing and analysis.
Since her inception, she has provided thousands of equipment to hundreds of business units, research institutes, laboratories and professional quality service Units. User base includes iron and steel metallurgy, nonferrous metals, metal recycling, aerospace, rail transportation, precision machinery factory, automotive electronics, home appliances and other fields.
After years of development, DOOZ has created a wealth of experience in sales and after-sales service team, which have got a very high reputation in our manufacturers and customers.
MikroTest G6
测量钢铁上所有非磁性涂镀层厚度(如油漆、粉末涂层、塑料、橡胶、锌、铜、锡和镍等)。测量快速、精确、无损。三十多年来 MikroTest G6已成为被广泛应用的自动测定涂镀层厚度的专用仪器。德国的“决窍”说明它在工艺技术及测量精度方面,具有磁性覆层测厚仪的最高水准。所有仪器均符合DIN、ISO、BS及ASTM标准。
MikroTest G6 铁基体涂镀层0-100,精度:5%读值
MikroTest F6 铁基体涂镀层0-1000um,精度:5%读值
MikroTest S3 铁基体涂镀层0.2-3mm, 精度:5%读值
MikroTest S5 铁基体涂镀层0.5-5mm,精度:5%读值
MikroTest S10 铁基体涂镀层2.5-10mm,精度:5%读值
MikroTest S20 铁基体涂镀层 7.5-20mm,精度:5%读值
MikroTest NiFe50 铁基体上电镀镍0-50um,精度:2um+8%读值
MikroTest Ni50 非铁基体上电镀镍0-50um,精度:1um+5%读值
MikroTest Ni100 非铁基体上电镀镍0-100um,精度:1um+5%读值