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美国原装EsdEmc脉冲发生器 探头
美国原装EsdEmc脉冲发生器 探头
发布时间:2025-1-23 关注次数:4
品牌 EsdEmc
规格型号 TLP-1000
编号 齐全
付款方式 面议
价格单位 人民币
EsdEmc脉冲发生器 探头

ESDEMC Technology LLC由Wei Huang于2011年3月在美国密苏里州罗拉市成立。
ESDEMC Technology开发、制造和销售ESD和EMC相关产品。我们致力于提供创造性、灵活和经济高效的ESD和EMC解决方案以及咨询服务。
ESDEMC Technology自2012年起成为ESD协会的企业成员。


Model Description
Pulsed IV-Curve Solutions
ES612-2K ± 10 ~ 2000
ES612-8K ± 10 ~ 8000
ES612-12K ± 10 ~ 12000
ES612-20K ± 10 ~ 20000
HBM-2K ± 10 ~ 2000
HBM-8K  ± 10 ~ 8000
HBM-12K ± 10 ~ 12000
HBM-20K ± 10 ~ 20000
HMM-24K 3.75 A per 1 kV ≤ ± 10 %
ES612 ES612 ESD Tester, Max 8 kV or 20 kV, RS232 SCPI Supported
ES612-HBM Human Body Model 2 Pin Module
ES612-HMM Human Metal Model 2 Pin Module
ES612-MM Machine Model 2 Pin Tester Module
ES62x-PC-HBM PC with HBM Pulse & Failure Automation Software
KSMU2400 SMU, 200V, 1A, 20W, Single Channel 
ES62X-CMPS Compact Manual Probe Station
ES62X-XYZM-TIM XYZ Micropositioner – Inline model, XYZ travel 500 mils with 0.01mm per step
ES62X-XYZM-PAA PCB Probe Arm Assembly with Voltage Measurement
ES62X-XYZM-GAA GND Probe Arm Assembly
HBM-TC0.3 0.3 mm Pitch Test Clip for Packaged IC Probe
HBM-TC2.5 2.54 mm Pitch Test Clip for PCB Probing
ES62X-XYZM-PP048 048 Pogopin for package level Probing
ES62X-XYZM-PP075 075 Pogopin for PCB level Probing
ES62X-XYZM-TN1 Tungsten Needles – 5 mils sharp tip, for wafer level probing
TLP-1010 ± 10 ~ 2000
TLP-1030 ± 10 ~ 6000
TLP-1050 ± 10 ~ 10000
TLP-PIRT Programable Internal Rise-time Options
TLP-MERT Manual External Rise-time Filter Options
TLP-SFT Slow Fall-time Option
TLP-PIPW Programable Internal Pulse-width Option
TLP-MEPW Manual External Pulse-width Option
TLP-ATT Internal Bidirectional Attenuator (reduce reflections)
TLP-RNT Reverse Negative Termination (reduce negative reflections)
ES620-25 ES620 Compact TLP IV-Curve System, 25 A Base Unit
ES620-50 ES620 Compact TLP IV-Curve System, 50 A Base Unit
ES620-100 ES620 Compact TLP IV-Curve System, 100 A Base Unit
ES620-VF Upgrade Intrinsic TLP rise-time to the faster limit
ES62x-PRT4 Programmable pulse rise-time filter X4 module
ES62x-PRT7 Programmable pulse rise-time filter X7 module
ES62x-ERTF External Rise-time Filter (customizable from 0.1 ~ 50 ns)
ES620-MPLEx Manual Pulse Width External Change Option
ES620-PPL4 Programmable Internal pulse length X4 module
ES620-PPL7 Programmable Internal pulse length X7 module
ES620-HBM1 Human Body Model (HBM) ESD Pulse Module and Measurement Setup Option
ES620-HMM1 Human Metal Model (HMM) ESD Pulse Module and Measurement Setup Option
ES620-LVS1 Low Voltage Surge Pulse Module and Measurement Options
ES62X -LTK2400 Leakage Measurement Options with Keithley 2400 SMU integrated
ES62X -LTKSEM Leakage Test Switch Module for Single Port ESD Injection
ES62X -BTK2220 Programmable Dual Channel DC Supply integrated with TLP for Biasing Control
ES62X-BT1 High Frequency TLP Test Bias Tee, 300 k – 20 GHz, 1A DC Current.
ES62X-BT2 High Current TLP Test Bias Tee, 30K-6GHz, 2A DC Current
ES62X-CTX Overlap-TDR Measurement Setup for Component Test
ES62X-VFM Non-overlap TDR Measurement Setup for High Speed VF-TLP Test
ES62X-CMPS Compact Manual Probe Station with flexible moving vacuum chuck and microscope
ES62x-XYZR Precision XYZ Micro Manipulator Set for probing with 2 coaxial high-resolution 100:1
ES62x-DIFESD Differential ESD Injection and IV measurement option
ES62x-PT1 Low Frequency Voltage Measurement Pick Tee
ES62x-PT2 High Frequency Voltage Measurement Pick Tee
ES62X-OS1000 Digital oscilloscope with 1 GHz BW, 4CH (Recommended for TLP, HMM, HBM, and surge test)
ES62X-OS4000 Digital oscilloscope with 4 GHz BW, 4CH (Recommended for VF-TLP test)
EOS-500 Model LVS-500 Electrical Overstress Pulse Generator, 0.5 us – 1ms
EOS-500+ Model LVS-500+ Electrical Overstress Pulse Generator, 50ns – 1ms
ES62x-PC Passive current probe, 0.01 V/A
KSMU2400 SMU, 200V, 1A, 20W, Single Channel (For device DC automation failure check)
ES62X-CMPS Compact Manual Probe Station
ES62X-XYZM-TIM XYZ Micropositioner – Inline model, XYZ travel 500 mils with 0.01mm per step
ES62X-XYZM-PAA PCB Probe Arm Assembly with Voltage Measurement (Type C X1, Type B X2)
ES62X-XYZM-GAA GND Probe Arm Assembly
ES62X-XYZM-PP048S 0.35mm diameter, 30-degree gold- plated sharp tip Pogopin for Probing
ES62X-XYZM-PP075S 0.68mm diameter, 30-degree gold- plated sharp tip Pogopin for Probing
ES62x-BT2 Wide band bias tee used to bias TLP and HMM measurements
ES62X-PT2 ES62X-PT2 DC-10 GHz Wideband Voltage Pick-off Tee
ES62X-LVS Model ES62X-LVS Low Voltage Surge System
LVS-500-8/20 Low Voltage Surge 8/20 Module, Max 500V
LVS-500-10/1000 Low Voltage Surge 10/1000 us Module, Max 500V
KSMU2400 SMU, 200V, 1A, 20W, Single Channel (For device DC automation failure check))
ES62X-CMPS Compact Manual Probe Station
ES62X-XYZM-PP048 048 Pogopin Probing Tip
ES62X-XYZM-PP075 075 Pogopin Probing Tip
ES62X-XYZM-TN1 Tungsten Needles – 5 mils Probing Tip
TVS-10G DC-10 GHz Wideband Transient Voltage Suppressor
ES62X-SSM DC-18 GHz System Switch Module
ES62x-LTP Leakage Test SMU ESD Protector
ES62X-CKP-0 Package or PCB Level TLP SOLZ Calibration Kit (Bare PCB Only)
ES62X-CKP-1 Package or PCB Level TLP SOLZ Calibration Kit
ES62X-CKW-1 Wafer Level TLP SOLZ Calibration Kit, 150 μm separation
ES62X-CKW-2.1 Wafer Level TLP SOLZ Calibration Kit, 50 μm separation
ES62X-CMPS Compact manual probe station (Including all 1.x sub items)
ES62X-CMPS-TSM Trinocular stereo microscope including USB camera and LED light
ES62X-CMPS-WPS Flexible manual wafer probe station
ES62X-CMPS-MVP Miniature vacuum pump and accessories
ES62X-CMPS-PCB Magnetic Flexible PCB holder
ES62X-XYZM-TxM 0.7 um resolution micro positioner
HVAT-3K6-3.5 6 (±1) dB, DC-3.5 GHz, 3kV HV Pulse Attenuator with SMA Connector
HVAT-3K20-3.5 20 (±1) dB, DC-3.5 GHz, 3kV HV Pulse Attenuator with SMA Connector
HVAT-5K6-3.5 6 (±1) dB, DC-3.5 GHz, 5kV HV Pulse Attenuator with N-Type Connector
HVAT-5K20-3.5 20 (±1) dB, DC-3.5 GHz, 5kV HV Pulse Attenuator with N-Type Connector
ES613-C20 20 (or 30) kV Electrostatic and High voltage Test Controller
ES613-C30 20 (or 30) kV Electrostatic and High voltage Test Controller
ES613-G30 20 (or 30) kV ESD Simulator Gun
ES613-G20 20 (or 30) kV ESD Simulator Gun
ES613-CT Contact Discharge Gun Tip
ES613-AT Air Discharge Gun Tip
ES613-RC1 150 pF / 330 Ohm RC Module
ES613-RC1 Exchangeable RC Module 150 pF / 330 Ohm +/-10%
ES613-RC2 Exchangeable RC Module 150 pF / 2000 Ohm +/-10%
ES613-RC3 Exchangeable RC Module 330 pF / 330 Ohm +/-10%
ES613-RC4 Exchangeable RC Module 330 pF / 2k Ohm +/-10%
ES613-RC5 Exchangeable RC Module 100 pF / 1500 Ohm +/-10%
ES613-RCX Customized Exchangeable RC Module
ES613-FRT Fast Rise-time Tip
ES613-SAT Spring Loaded Air Discharge Gun Tip
ES613-SCT Spring Loaded  Contact Discharge Gun Tip
ES614-CP ESD Simulator Current Probe
ES614-AS500 Air discharge speed control sliding system
ES614-ASWS500 Air discharge speed control work station
A4001 ESD Current Target Calibration Kit
A4001-TP ESD Current Target Plane
A4001-TSC ESD Current Target Shielding Cabinet
A4002 ESD Current Target Adapter Line
A4003 ESD Current Target & Adapter Line Calibration Set
ES615-A1 ESD Test Table
ES615-A2 Vertical Coupling Plane
ES615-A3 Horizontal Coupling Plane
ES615-A4 ESD Test Table Insulation Cover
ES615-A5 Charge Removal Cable
ES615-A6 ESD GRP – Ground Reference Plane
A4001-SMA Gold Plated Wide-band ESD Target with SMA Connector
AT2WN-6 N Type Attenuator, DC-18 GHz, 2W, 6 dB
AT2WN-30 N Type Attenuator, DC-18 GHz, 2W, 30 dB
AT2WS-20 SMA Type Attenuator, DC-18 GHz, 2W, 20 dB
RG4-SS-8 RG400 Coaxial Cable, SMA-SMA Connectors, 0.8 meter
A4001-Repair ESD target repair (will work with other brands ESD Targets)
A4001-ReCal Re-Calibration of ESD Target (NIST Traceable)
A4001-TP ESD Current Calibration Shielding Plane
A4001-TSC ESD Current Calibration Shielding Cabinet with EMI Filter
A4002-N N type connector
A4002-3.5 Precision 3.5mm connector
A4002-PN Precision N type Connector
A4001-N Gold Plated Wide-band ESD Target with N Type Connector
AT2WN-20 N Type Attenuator, DC-18 GHz, 2W, 20 dB
AT2WN-30 N Type Attenuator, DC-18 GHz, 2W , 30 dB
RG4-NS-8 RG400 Coaxial Cable, N-SMA Connectors, 0.8 meter
A4001-SMA2BNC High Precision SMA-BNC Adapter
A4001-CAL NIST Traceable Factory Calibration Report for A4001-Kit
A4002-N Stainless Steel 50 Ohm ESD Current Target Adapter Line with N type Connector
A4002-CAL NIST Traceable Factory Calibration Report for A4002
A4003-SC A4003 ESD Current Target/Adapter Line Set Storage and Protection Case
TN001 ESD Target_Adapter Line Calibration Method Technical Note
TN002 ESD Current Target Calibration Method Technical Note
TN003 ESD Simulator Calibration Method (IEC61000-4-2 & ***10605) Technical Note
ES105-100 DC ± 1V ~ 100 kV (Auto ranging 1 ~ 19,999 V and 10 ~ 100,000V)
ES614-500 ES614 ESD Air Discharge Motion Controller up to 500 mm/s
ES614-WSA ES614 ESD Air Discharge Work Station Type A
ES614-LS Laptop with LabVIEW RTE and Compiled ES614 Software
Cable Discharge Solutions
ES631-G2 Ethernet Cable ESD test up to 4.0 kV
ES631-G2.2 ± 2 kV
ES631-G2.4 ± 4 kV
ES631-AUSB3 ES613 Charge Cable Adapter for USB
ES631-PUSB3 ES613 DUT Probe for USB
ES631-ARJ45 ES613 Charge Cable Adapter for RJ45
ES631-PRJ45 ES613 DUT Probe for RJ45
ES631-AHDMI ES613 Charge Cable Adapter for HDMI
ES631-PHDMI ES613 DUT Probe for HDMI
ES631-LAN-SW LABVIEW Software for ATE test control
ES631-LAN-CAL ES631 CDE System Discharge Waveform Calibration Setup
ES631-LAN-C5EUTP200 200 meter CAT5E UTP
ES631-LAN-C5EFTP200 200 meter CAT5E FTP
ES631-SW LABVIEW Software for ATE test control Option for ES631-LAN CDE System
ES631-CAL Discharge Waveform Calibration Option for ES631-LAN CDE System
ES631-LAN-C5EUTP200 200 meter CAT5E UTP Charge Cable Module
ES631-LAN-C5EFTP200 200 meter CAT5E FTP Charge Cable Module
EMC & RF Solutions
CT-001-B011 Flat transfer impedance at high frequencies from 1 MHz – 1.2 GHz
CT-001-B011-M Broadband Current Transformer, Metal Case
CT-001-B011-C Insulation Cover for ESD Simulator Measurement
CT-001-B011-P Broadband Current Transformer, Plastic Case
CT-002-S 1 kHz – 4 GHz & 400 Hz – 2 GHz
CT-002-S-0p5 1 kHz – 4 GHz 
CT-002-S-0p2 400 Hz – 2 GHz
CT-005-S-0p5 CT-002-S .5 V/A broadband current transformer, Metal Case
EM602-10 Mini TEM Cell (DC-10 GHz, 1kV)
EM601-6 IC Stripline TEM Cell (DC-6 GHz, 5kV Pulse)
EM605 Bandwidth 5-15GHz
High Voltage Supply Module
HVM-A303.13P24 30kV Adjustable Precision High Voltage DC Supply Module
HVM-A203.13P24 20kV Adjustable Precision High Voltage DC Supply Module
HVM-A103.13P12 10kV Adjustable Precision High Voltage DC Supply Module
HVM-A502.13P12 Customized Adjustable Precision High Voltage DC Supply Module
HVM-A402.13P12 4kV Adjustable Precision High Voltage DC Supply Module
HVM-A202.52P12 2kV Adjustable Precision High Voltage DC Supply Module
ES101 Explosion-proof Electrostatic Voltmeter
HVAT-3K Series High Voltage Pulse Attenuator (DC-3.5GHz, Up to 3kV)
HVAT-3K6-3.5 6 (±1) dB, DC-3.5 GHz, 3kV HV Pulse Attenuator with SMA Connector
HVAT-3K20-3.5 20 (±1) dB, DC-3.5 GHz, 3kV HV Pulse Attenuator with SMA Connector
HVAT-5K Series High Voltage Pulse Attenuator (DC-3.5GHz, Up to 5kV)
HVAT-5K6-3.5 6 (±1) dB, DC-3.5 GHz, 5kV HV Pulse Attenuator with N-Type Connector
HVAT-5K20-3.5 20 (±1) dB, DC-3.5 GHz, 5kV HV Pulse Attenuator with N-Type Connector
ES105 High-impedance High-voltage Meter
ES105-100 DC ± 1V ~ 100 kV
ES813-30.1  Precision ES/HV Generator
ES813-50.1 Precision ES/HV Generator
ES813-20.1 Precision ES/HV Generator

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