
导热油加温系统 热媒控温装置 热媒油机组

导热油加温系统 热媒控温装置 热媒油机组
结构性能介绍 MPWD-10
1、 采用“富士”无熔丝开关,短路和过载迅速保护。
2、 电磁接触器采用法国“施耐德”或德国“金钟穆勒”,工作寿命长;
3、 采用原装进口英国“WEST”双组P.I.D.自动演算型玻璃液晶温控器,
(加热和冷却均有P I D 自动演算功能,温控更精确节能)可省电35%以上;
4、 流程故障显示,容易检修;无须专业维修人员
5、 突波过滤及吸收装置,适应电压不稳环境。
6、 进口PC板采用DC回路控制,抗外界干扰,低电压寿命长;
7、 法国”高路斯”或瑞士“佳乐”电源欠相及逆相保护功能,保护泵正常运转。
8、 电器控制箱;隔离式设计,能有效的降低电器元件的工作温度,使之延长寿命。
9、 液位检测器:采用法国”高路斯”能准确控制系统的水量
electrical system:
1 、 use "Fuji" no fuse switch, short circuit and overload to protect quickly.
2 、 electromagnetic contactor adopts France "Schneider" or German "Admiralty Muller", and the service life is long;
3, the use of imported British "WEST" two sets of P.I.D. automatic calculation glass liquid crystal thermostat, (heating and cooling are P, I, D automatic calculation function, temperature control more accurate, energy saving), can save more than 35%;
4, process failure display, easy to overhaul, no professional maintenance personnel
5 、 surge filter and absorption device to meet the unstable voltage environment.
6 、 imported PC board adopts DC loop control, anti external interference, low voltage and long service life;
7, France "high road" or Switzerland "Jiale" power supply phase and reverse phase protection function, protect the normal operation of the pump.
8, electrical control box; isolated design, can effectively reduce the operating temperature of electrical components, so as to extend the life.
9, liquid level detector: the French "high road" can accurately control the amount of water
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