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Helmholz  700-921-1AJ01
Helmholz 700-921-1AJ01
发布时间:2012-2-3 关注次数:405
品牌 赫姆霍尔兹
付款方式 面议
价格单位 人民币

倉儲直接 現貨供應  Helmholz兼容模板
廈門源真在自動化,专业销售大型进口各种品牌DCS,PLC,Servo,HMI,IPC系统模块备件,在亞洲地區真正備有倉儲,直接供貨,擁有一手貨源,一手價格,絕對具有競爭力:ABB MOD 300 , ABB MasterView 850, ABB Bailey INFI 90 , ALSTOM, FISHER ,FISHER & Porter, FOXBORO I/A ,Honeywell TDC2000/3000 ,L&N,MAX1000 ,MOTOROLA ,Rosemount RS-3, RELIANCE ,Siemens Moore APACS ,TELEPERM C ,Siemens Simatic  S5/S7,Yokogawa Centum XL,ALLEN & BRADLLY ,B&R ,GE FUNUC,HITACHI,Mitsubishi OMRON ,Motorola MVME, TOSHIBA ,YASKAWA工控模组,库存丰富,交货快,供有技术支援與緊急搶修服務,欢迎来电查询。

XIAMEN Source-True Automation Technology Co.,Ltd
TEL:86-0592-5162631, 0592-5162571,0592-5162671
FAX: 86-0592-5162385
QQ:594681115 郭颖佳女士

最近由於市場上需求SIEMENS S5/S7,為了服務SIEMENS原有客戶讓控制系統可更穩定生產使用與延壽計劃,不用急於設備更新與停車之損失,有鑑於此洪宇自動化特地引進Systeme Helmholz產品,可以解決SIEMENS S5/S7產品停產之問題。
SIEMENS S5 PLC Module 不再繼續供貨要如何面對與處理,其一將系統更新,其二尋找備品應付臨時需要,我們在這很清楚詳細的告訴各位使用SIEMENS愛用者,免驚IBM電腦有相容品,同樣SIEMENS控制器也有相容品,如果各位不相信的話,請上網參考它的規模如何,各位SIEMENS愛用者如有要我效勞的地方請不要忘記我,SIEMENS S5/S7 for Windows Software很貴喔!又找不到免費的,告訴各位我也沒有這東西,但我可以提供功能強又便宜的產品PC BASE功能比SIEMENS軟體強,附FLASH ROM燒寫器,替代SIEMENS PG370如需要e-mail來找我.

Micro Momery Card
Memory cards made by Helmholz and suitable for S7 are designed for use in central controller modules CPU
Product ordernumber    
Micro Memory Cards,64KByte 700-953-8LF20    
Micro Memory Cards,128KByte 700-953-8LG20    
Micro Memory Cards,256KByte 700-953-8LH20    
Micro Memory Cards,512KByte 700-953-8LJ20    
Micro Memory Cards,1MByte 700-953-8LK20    
Micro Memory Cards,2MByte 700-953-8LL20    
Micro Memory Cards,4MByte 700-953-8LM20    
Micro Memory Cards,8MByte 700-953-8LP20    

MC952 Memory Cards
Product ordernumber    
Flash EPROM Card,long 64KByte 700-952-0KF00    
Flash EPROM Card,long 256KByte 700-952-0KH00    
Flash EPROM Card,long 1MByte 700-952-1KK00    
Flash EPROM Card,long 2MByte 700-952-1KL00    
Flash EPROM Card,long 4MByte 700-952-1KM00    
Flash EPROM Card,long 8MByte 700-952-1KP00    
Flash EPROM Card,long 16MByte 700-952-1KS00    
RAM Card,long 64KByte 700-952-0AF00    
RAM Card,long 256KByte 700-952-1AH00    
RAM Card,long 1MByte 700-952-1AK00    
RAM Card,long 2MByte 700-952-1AL00    
RAM Card,long 4MByte 700-952-1AM00    

Input/Output Modules    


DEA 300,Digital Input Modules

Product ordernumber   
DEA 300 16 inputs (DC 24V) 700-321-1BH02   
DEA 300 32 inputs (DC 24V) 700-321-1BL00   

DEA 300,Digital Input Module,m-reading

Product ordernumber   
DEA 300 16 inputs,m-reading 700-321-1BH50   
DEA 300,Digital Input Module,with Alerts
Product ordernumber   
DEA 300 16 Inputs,with alerts 700-321-7BH01   
DEA 300,Digital Output Module

Product ordernumber   
DEA 300 16 outputs (DC 24V;0.5A) 700-322-1BH01   
DEA 300 32 outputs (DC 24V;0.5A) 700-322-1BL00   
DEA 300,Digital I/O Module

Product ordernumber   
DEA 300 8 inputs (DC 24 V)/8 outputs (DC 24 V; 0,5 A) 700-323-1BH01   
DEA 300 16 inputs (DC 24 V)/16 outputs (DC 24 V; 0,5 A) 700-323-1BL00   
DEA 300,Digital Output Module,2 Ampere

Product ordernumber   
DEA 300 8 outputs (DC 24 V; 2 A) 700-322-1BF01   
DEA 300, Digital Output Convert; Relais, 5 Ampere"The digital

Product ordernumber   
DEA 300 8 outputs, relays, 5 A 700-322-1HF10   
DEA 300 8 outputs, relays, 5 A, snubber 700-322-1HF20   
DEA 300, Digital Output Convert; Relais, 2 Ampere

Product ordernumber   
DEA 300 8 outputs, relays, 2 A 700-322-1HF01   
DEA 300 16 outputs, relays, 2 A 700-322-1HH01   
DEA 300, Digital Input Modules; 120/230 V

Product ordernumber   
DEA 300 32 inputs, AC 120 V 700-321-1EL00   
DEA 300 16 inputs, AC 120 V/230 V 700-321-1FH00   
AEA 300, Analog Input Module for connecting sensors with current signals

Product ordernumber   
AEA 300 8 current inputs, for connecting current sensors 700-331-4MA20   
AEA 300, Analog Input Module for connecting sensors with voltage signals

Product ordernumber   
AEA 300 8 voltage inputs, for connection of voltage sensors 700-331-0V010   
AEA 300, Analog Input Module for connecting Resistance Thermometers

Product ordernumber   
AEA 300 4 inputs, Pt100/Ni100 resistance thermometers 700-331-PT100   
AEA 300, Analog Input Module - Current Signals, Voltage Signals, Resistance, Resistance Thermometer

Product ordernumber   
AEA 300 8 inputs 700-331-1KF01   
AEA 300, Analog Output Module; 4 Channel
Product ordernumber   
AEA 300; 4 channel 4 outputs for connecting analog actuators 700-332-5HD01   
AEA 300, Analog Output Module; 2 Channel

Product ordernumber   
AEA 300; 2 channel 2 outputs for connecting analog actuators 700-332-5HB01   

Product ordernumber   
Dummymodule, 20-way 700-370-0AA01   
Dummymodule, 40-way 700-370-0AL01   

Front Connector    

 FastPlug-PLUG and PLAY for S7 I/0 modules

Product ordernumber   
FastPlug 20-way, S7 Frontadapter 700-921-1AJ01   
FastPlug 40-way, S7 Frontadapter 700-921-1AM01   
 Front Connector

Product ordernumber   
Front Connector 20-way for S7-300, with screw connection 700-392-1AJ10   
Front Connector 40-way for S7-300, with screw connection 700-392-1AM00   
Front Connector 40-way for S7-300, EasyConnect?/sup> 700-392-1AM10   
Front Connector 40-way with screw terminals 700-392-1AM01   
Front connectors 20-way with spring contacts 700-392-1BJ01   
Front connectors 40-way with spring contacts 700-392-1BM01   
 Ready wired Front Connectors

Product ordernumber   
Front Connector For DEA 300, screw connection, 20-way, 2m 700-392-1AJ10A   
Front Connector for DEA 300, screw connection, 20-way, 3m 700-392-1AJ10B   
Front Connector for DEA 300, screw connection, 20-way, 5m 700-392-1AJ10C   
Front Connector EasyConnect?/sup> 40-way, 2m 700-392-1AM10A   
Front Connector EasyConnect?/sup> 40-way, 3m 700-392-1AM10B   
Front Connector EasyConnect?/sup> 40-way, 5m 700-392-1AM10C   
 Mounting racks

Product ordernumber   
Mounting rack, length 160 mm 700-390-1AB60   
Mounting rack, length 320 mm 700-390-1SO01   
Mounting rack, length 482 mm 700-390-1AE80   
Mounting rack, length 530 mm 700-390-1AF30   
Mounting rack, length 830 mm 700-390-1AJ30   
Mounting rack, length 2000 mm 700-390-1BC00   
 PROFIBUS Connectors

Product ordernumber   
Mounting rack, length 160 mm 700-390-1AB60   
Mounting rack, length 320 mm 700-390-1SO01   
Mounting rack, length 482 mm 700-390-1AE80   
Mounting rack, length 530 mm 700-390-1AF30   
Mounting rack, length 830 mm 700-390-1AJ30   
Mounting rack, length 2000 mm 700-390-1BC00   


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