武汉大型花生脱壳机公司定制 可以直接将直径500mm至600mm的整饼(如豆饼、花生饼等)粉碎成颗粒和粉状。配力22千瓦电机,机械采用垂头式结构,内部锤片全部采用弹簧钢板。产量:2-3吨/小时。加工效率高,效果好,产量大,效率高。加工细度可以适量调节,欢迎有需求客户选购产品
Dahua factory's production throughout the cake and a bread machine , you can directly to the diameter of the whole cake 500mm 600mm ( such as cake, peanut cakes and smashed into grains and powdered ). backup power the motors mechanical 22 kw, and bowing in the structure and internal hammer of all of the spring. the output of steel : two or three tons of hours. the processing high efficiency, good effects, production and efficiency. the processing of degrees can be adjusted accordingly, there is a need to purchase products to customers.