Freescale 公司的MMA7660FC是±1.5 g三轴数字输出I2C的加速度计,是非常低功耗,小型容性MEMS传感器,具有低通滤波器,用于0g和增益误差的补偿以及用户可配置的转换成6位数值.模拟工作电压2.4V-3.6V,数字工作电压1.71V到3.6V,可进行三轴取向/运动的检测,广泛用于手机,PMP和PDA,便携式PC的防盗,游戏中的运动检测,自动叫醒和数码相机.本文介绍了MMA7660FC的主要特性, 简化功能方框图, I2C和MCU连接框图以及RD3803MMA7660FC评估板的主要特性.
3-Axis Orientation/Motion Detection Sensor
The MMA7660FC is a ±1.5g 3-Axis Accelerometer with Digital Output (I2C). It is a very low power, low profile capacitive MEMS sensor featuring a low pass filter, compensation for 0g offset and gain errors, and conversion to 6-bit digital values at a user configurable samples per second. The device can be used for sensor data changes, product orientation, and gesture detection through an interrupt pin (INT). The device is housed in a small 3mm x 3mm x 0.9mm DFN package.
Digital Output (I2C)
3mm x 3mm x 0.9mm DFN Package
Low Power Current Consumption: Off Mode: 0.4 μA,
Standby Mode: 2 μA, Active Mode: 47 μA at 1 ODR
Configurable Samples per Second from 1 to 120 samples a second.
Low Voltage Operation:
Analog Voltage: 2.4 V - 3.6 V
Digital Voltage: 1.71 V - 3.6 V
Auto-Wake/Sleep Feature for Low Power Consumption
Tilt Orientation Detection for Portrait/Landscape Capability
Gesture Detection Including Shake Detection and Tap Detection
Robust Design, High Shocks Survivability (10,000 g)
RoHS Compliant
Halogen Free
Environmentally Preferred Product
Low Cost
Mobile Phone/ PMP/PDA: Orientation Detection(Portrait/Landscape), Image Stability, Text Scroll, Motion Dialing, Tap to Mute
Laptop PC: Anti-Theft
Gaming: Motion Detection, Auto-Wake/Sleep For Low Power
Digital Still Camera
图2.MMA7660FC I2C和MCU连接框图
RD3803MMA7660FC is designed to provide the user with a complete out of the box experience to evaluate the MMA7660FC, a low power, 3-axis linear accelerometer with I2C digital output. An accelerometer daughter board plugs directly into the communication board for evaluation of the MMA7660 accelerometer and its functions. The accelerometer daughter board can be removed for customer prototyping and is also available to order separately as KIT3803MMA7660FC.
The KIT3803MMA7660FC is an accelerometer daughterboard designed with all the accelerometer pins connected directly to a standard DIP socket for fast system prototyping and device evaluation within the users application. This sensor daughterboard is also available in the RD3803MMA7660FC development kit that includes the daughterboard along with the MCU communicator board.
Communication board containing a Freescale MCU and USB interface which enables the communication with a PC
Accelerometer daughter board with MMA7660FC accelerometer
Graphical user interface (GUI) for demonstrating all integrated accelerometer features as well as software routines for specific applications.
USB Connector
Sensor CD containing pertinent application notes, datasheets, software and sensor links
KIT3803MMA7660FC 包括:
Accelerometer DIP board with MMA7660FC accelerometer
Sensor CD containing pertinent application notes, datasheets, software and sensor linksFC development kit that includes the daughterboard along with the MCU communicator board.
The RD3803MMA7660FC Evaluation kit is a complete out of the box experience tool to evaluate the MMA7660FC, a low power, 3-linear smart accelerometer with I2C digital output. The accelerometer contains both a communication board and a DIP board that has the sensor that plugs into the communication board (Figure 1). Providing the DIP as a separate component allows the capability to evaluate the sensor using the communication board and/or on the target customer application. This application note is an in-depth document explaining the setup and installation of the board and GUI and a thorough description of the demos included in the GUI.

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